Here's some data I've collected about my type over the years:
Enneagram: 5w4 sx/sp
introverted Thinking (Ti) ** (42) - INTP Dominant
introverted Feeling (Fi) ** (40.1)
introverted Intuiting (Ni) ** (38)
extraverted Intuiting (Ne) ** (37.1) - INTP Auxiliary
extraverted Thinking (Te) ** (32.3)
introverted Sensing (Si) ** (27) - INTP Tertiary
extraverted Sensing (Se) ** (14)
extraverted Feeling (Fe) ** (9.7) - INTP Inferior
I know much more about MBTI and the functions than I do Enneagram and SLOAN, so I'm handing those off to anyone who is more capable than I to proper insight.
The functions (and I don't know how accurate these really are, or what those values mean specifically other than their relation to each other) seem odd to me, almost like an INTP/INFP hybrid. The one that really throws me is the Ni (ranked even higher than Ne) because that's in neither type's functional stack. At that point I start thinking along the lines of an INTP/INFP/INTJ/INFJ hybrid, if such a thing is possible (sort of like an INXX, if you will). I always come up as INTP when I take the tests, readily identify with all the type and function descriptions for INTP I've read, and find INTPs to have the closest thought process to my own. I also see the typing dichotomies (I/E, N/S, T/F, P/J) as on a continuum rather than binary, which makes personalities and typing infinitely complex and variable.
I'm really curious about how the Enneagram and SLOAN might explain some of this, if at all. Any insights from your personal expertise on this topic is welcome.
Enneagram: 5w4 sx/sp
introverted Thinking (Ti) ** (42) - INTP Dominant
introverted Feeling (Fi) ** (40.1)
introverted Intuiting (Ni) ** (38)
extraverted Intuiting (Ne) ** (37.1) - INTP Auxiliary
extraverted Thinking (Te) ** (32.3)
introverted Sensing (Si) ** (27) - INTP Tertiary
extraverted Sensing (Se) ** (14)
extraverted Feeling (Fe) ** (9.7) - INTP Inferior
I know much more about MBTI and the functions than I do Enneagram and SLOAN, so I'm handing those off to anyone who is more capable than I to proper insight.
The functions (and I don't know how accurate these really are, or what those values mean specifically other than their relation to each other) seem odd to me, almost like an INTP/INFP hybrid. The one that really throws me is the Ni (ranked even higher than Ne) because that's in neither type's functional stack. At that point I start thinking along the lines of an INTP/INFP/INTJ/INFJ hybrid, if such a thing is possible (sort of like an INXX, if you will). I always come up as INTP when I take the tests, readily identify with all the type and function descriptions for INTP I've read, and find INTPs to have the closest thought process to my own. I also see the typing dichotomies (I/E, N/S, T/F, P/J) as on a continuum rather than binary, which makes personalities and typing infinitely complex and variable.
I'm really curious about how the Enneagram and SLOAN might explain some of this, if at all. Any insights from your personal expertise on this topic is welcome.