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Emotions or brains


Local time
Today 10:09 AM
Sep 17, 2014
I don't buy this INTP thing you thiinkers are supposed to be. My professor was very smart but he dont know nothing. Nothing goes unless you feel it. Arent your feelings much more important than your brains? The way we evolved over time made most animals feel emotions or it seems that way. It turns out humans can think anyway. Why care? Emotions must be for something useful. What do they do that thinking doesnt do? Shouldnt we pay much more attention to our feelings than we do to our thinking? Shouldnt we pay attention much more to feelings of others or does it matter?


Local time
Today 3:09 PM
Sep 17, 2014
Feelings are not coming from the heart but from the brain,it's just reactions which formed during the evoliution


Soul Shade
Local time
Today 7:09 AM
Jan 8, 2013
You basement
If what you say is true and most animals evolved to feel, then our brains are the only thing that makes us better than animals.

"Shouldn't we pay attention much more to the feelings of others or does it matter?"

This requires thought and feeling. To think beyond yourself and imagine how they might feel. Thinkers still feel and being a thinker does not mean being a robot. Being a thinker is often more about thinking about things before you can know how to feel about them.


Local time
Today 7:09 AM
Mar 18, 2014
Vancouver, BC
Aren't your feelings much more important than your brains?

My emotions are in my brain, so no.

Or, if I choose not to be excessively literal, I don't see the need to favour one over the other. Sure, feelings exist and I can even speculate on numerous reasons for why certain emotional responses may be evolutionarily beneficial, and yet emotions can also lead us astray. Love can lead us to trust when we should show caution. Fear can lead us to retreat when we should move forward. Unease can lead us to reject when we should open up.

My emotions are important, yet they often require rational thought to keep them in perspective and better guide my actions.
My thoughts are important, yet they often require intuitive emotions to keep them from becoming to abstract, cold and detached.

As a personal quirk, I consciously tap into my cerebral side more than my visceral, but that doesn't mean I consider one more essential than the other. I am capable of both, view both as having assets and deficiencies, and as such, I use both when I feel the need (often simultaneously).


Local time
Today 7:09 AM
Mar 18, 2014
Vancouver, BC
I don't buy this INTP thing you thiinkers are supposed to be.

You wrote this, so it seems like you think it's something we should be reading, but I'm not sure what it means or why I should care. What is there to buy?


a scream in a vortex
Local time
Today 4:09 PM
Aug 16, 2011
would a true radical feeler ask questions about evolution? isn't it enough to feel that feelings are important, do they need evolutionary purpose? (tongue in cheek)

anyhow, are you ready for big dump from my poor deluded skull?

What do feelings do that thinking doesn't do?

thinking tells you what is possible, how it's possible, how easy it is, how you could practically align different agendas into one plan. and thinking deals with itself, how can it improve upon itself.

thinking is at the root an echo to perception. perception already told you what is possible in purely a mechanical sense, without any far sightedness.

thinking is interested in the possible strategies of interacting objects, it accumulates those imagined snapshots of perception or functionality into a larger operation.

emotion is the echo of your whole being to what you experience, imagine or plan, to what you think about, what others speak about, everything.

the echo allows you to decide (not objectively know) what thoughts, plans, actions ... are good for you. or others.

that decision is a mental thought form, it's not emotion itself and it's called feeling. or emotional reasoning.

emotion is pseudo-"intuitive", intuitive in the sense that you will never exactly know why something feels the way it feels. if "intuitive" means "occurring without concrete insight".

but it's different from intuition, because intuition is mental images that arise as an echo to your whole body of cognition. and emotions ain't images.

("mental images" do not have colors and shit, they are almost like concepts of sorts)

Ti types don't exactly have the same Fe that ENFJ have.

what makes their feeling appear pseudo-extroverted and 'inferior' is that the Ti type must or will simply accept emotion the way it is (by default, most of the time).

some thought line (called feeling) keeps track of it like a radio in the background.

it's like a chain of thoughts (feelings) that are out there and of no immediate concern or usefulness to the subjective process of Ti and of ego consciousness.

unlike the enfj, the Ti dominant type does not actively explore the possibilities of this emotion, he does not actively construct a skillful world of feelings from those emotional experiences. his world of feelings is sort of randomly accumulated.

the enfj has a thinking that inquires into how feeling can be expressed in life.

the Fi type has a thinking that inquires into what feelings could amount to, how they relate to each other, how the emotional orchestra in the body could be systematically altered simply by having and or voicing different attitudes. it's like a composer who loops and rewrites sections, while the Fe of enfj is more like a spinner, a musician who tries to accentuate the emotional composition of live, through freestyle. Fe is adding, Fi is managing.

again, the letter F is referring to a cognitive thinking that is optimized to understand embodied emotion, Fi does it by sending imaginations into the body and testing their emotions in order to learn from the resulting echo, it learns how to compose a nice song of attitudes all of the time. Fe is sending own actions and observed actions into the echo chamber and evaluates the result. it learns how to act out in a way, that creates a nice soundtrack in the echo chamber.

Ti is not optimized to think in a way, that would result in good acquaintance with feeling. unlike Fi, it does not try to evolve a way of thinking that that produces the best feeling.

to introverted thinking the echo of emotion comes like a surprise and it seems uncalled for. the thoughts about those emotions, which are called Fe, are mostly just registering the emotions.

one thought may feel good, the other thought may feel evil.

Ti would continue with it's train of though, not making much of the feeling, because it's interest is something else.

the auxiliary Ti of enfj will be interrupted, when the echo becomes too ugly, Fe will interrupt the action or thought that evokes ugly Ti, but the Ti of intp would not abort it's ways, not usually.

Ti may end up feeling that all life is ugly and accept it, having now clue how to change thoughts to make life, or it's emotional echo less ugly.

many get lost in stupid nihilistic philosophy. Fi does not make mistakes like that.

Te can play a very tough number on the emotional chamber of the Fi type, and Fi can't really do anything about it, similarly to how the Ti type can not shut up his Fe narrator.

but Fi can judge the Te narrator in term of having an emotion based understanding of how this particular Te voice is antihuman, even if it's true.

for instance capitalist realities hurt the emotional body. Fi will always maintain that this is bad and that we must find a better way. Te may eventually succeed in inventing this way.

Ti would not bother to invent something good for all of us, it would make the best out of abusing the given capitalism, from a pragmatical point of view, because your subject needs money and food now, and you can have it with the least amount of effort, if you go about it the smart way, this is what Ti takes care of, optimizing cognitive strategy.

and Fe would suffer from it all.

but Fe knows no good arguments against it, because it does not know the subject, unlike Fi. all Fe knows is that lying and cheating is more fun, if you smile while you do it. basically. it's all sort of cosmetic.

Fe will notify the INTP that killing baby kittens is horrific and would be evil.

Ti will respond: but killing some baby kittens would offer me a new perspective on life and especially on their anatomy.

Fi would respond: i already know all about the abstract perspective that would be gained from murdering a sentient being, because i have imagined it and i have imagined my own death and i can build the perspectives together and see the emotional echo in my being. i don't like it. and so will never do it.

Ti would reply: yes, we have imagined killing baby kittens and killing baby kittens felt horrific, therefore we are evil creatures by design, no, capable of experiencing doing evil? can't we just accept it though and go about killing them all?

Fi would reply: we did not know what it would feel like, prior to our imagination of it, we were innocent. the imagined kill turned out to be evil, we were notified about it by the echo chamber. but this evilness was not attached to us. it's impersonal and transpersonal, it's archetypal, it does nothing, it's just that all knowing chamber. we are the one's who do something about it. we are not evil creatures, we simply know evil and are free to choose. now that we know what evil is, upon testing imaginations, we can not become evil, because we respect the wisdom of the echo chamber. it's Fi's natural function to respect evil by avoiding it. (evil to self, evil to family, evil to tribe, evil to all, depending on development)

horrific attachment inside:
Ti and Fe are bound to accidentally act out evil sooner or later, as this video demonstrates. the speaker is INFJ NiFe (if not enfj) and he represents the purest form of accidental evil, a systematic denial of the feeling of the subject, in favor of Ti and Fe, he is the next hitler.

If you are not integral, you are absolutely vulnerable to a gazillion of different brainwashing paradigms. The only thing that makes you feel safe is your stubborn and irrational attachment to your favorite brainwashing paradigm. If you have wondered why people can't ever be influenced by your arguments - This is why they won't allow it. This video is like a Developmental test of sorts. You will immediately know this guy is full of shit, but do you have the philosophical sophistication to prove it soundly?

You will need the simple tool called pre-trans fallacy, from the integral tool box.
Without it you are lost in hell. Typology is helpfull, but not enough to win the case.

This lawyer will turn your spirit against you, like 11 gullible jurors and you will have to submit to their evil democracy or struggle to dissociate them.



Tony Blair's scrotum
Local time
Today 10:09 AM
May 24, 2014
In a small Haitian tribe of despondent pantomimes
Aren't you just a bowl of milk and controversy? The most uncomforting breakfast.
Imagine a world leader having a bleeding adoration for puffins. They just felt that puffins should be revered. EVERYONE should revere puffins.
If they followed their heart concerning puffins, what would happen?
*whispers* Nothing but puffin love. Poverty and puffin love.

Not saying emotions are useless, emotions make us feel connected to others, but emotions CAN go beyond logic and logic prevents everyone having to pray to puffin shrines.
So unless you wanna sprinkle a goat's blood on a golden puffin every morning... logic.

Black Rose

An unbreakable bond
Local time
Today 8:09 AM
Apr 4, 2010
with mama
only with logic nothing gets done, not even breathing and indecision to think even to think :p
what we need is balance because above emotions is the evaluation of emotion is jungian rationality
sides this is FeTi vs FiTe not T vs F


Local time
Today 10:09 AM
Apr 11, 2014
Emotion detains rationality.
Rationality prevents emotion.


One, No One and One Hundred Thousand
Local time
Today 4:09 PM
Sep 9, 2014
I don't buy this INTP thing you thiinkers are supposed to be. My professor was very smart but he dont know nothing. Nothing goes unless you feel it. Arent your feelings much more important than your brains?

More important? I don't know... But for sure we are guided by them.

The way we evolved over time made most animals feel emotions or it seems that way. It turns out humans can think anyway. Why care? Emotions must be for something useful. What do they do that thinking doesnt do? Shouldnt we pay much more attention to our feelings than we do to our thinking?
Yes! We must pay a lot of attention to our own feeling. To understand them, to observe them, and finally to chain them up! Only then we will be actually free.

Feelings can destroy us if we don't put them under our control. They are useful for the most primitive interactions with the environment. To achieve more elvated purposes they are often an obstacle.

Emotions give us a direction. Life without emotion would be "patological" (literally, for example: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cotard_delusion). But a life completely at the mercy of feelings would be patological as well (it's only much more common).


Local time
Today 3:09 PM
Oct 16, 2014
Thinking gives feelings context.

Emotion cannot explain. Emotion cannot solve. Emotion cannot disprove.

Emotion, at its "finest," is the art of masters that provokes yet more emotion. Thinking is the crafting of human potential.


Resident disMember
Local time
Today 5:09 AM
Mar 14, 2010
A lot of people here seem to equate feeling with emotional reactions or values. Very few seem to understand that being a Jungian feeler is more than just acting like a child and making demands. And of these many, they don't seem to understand the value of emotional intelligence, let alone the fact that emotion is a very abstract word that could encompass all forms of human thought; even thinking, which has its own instinctive reactions, drives, and principle values, could be argued as emotional in some way.
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