I strongly believe that all psychoanalytical intelligence is based on intuition, because my definition of intuition is simply comprehension of processes. And everyone can perceive a process, everyone has some intuition, but "being intuitive" means actively associating any process with all similar processes and thus growing smart about what invisible organic structures (static = sensation) may be responsible for them. So for example the concept of a trinity of child, parent and grown up (transactional analysis) is a sensation (a visualized organic structure) inspired by intuitive observation or repetitive/similar processes (transactions).
Analysis is of course also depended on thinking and i think Ti is superior here. Additionally introversion makes you obsess about the human subject. This means INFJ and INTP are the most understanding psychologists. Other types have other features though, they may be motivational coaches and such.
Not all understanding of people is analytical though. As i said before: I have great difficulty internalizing the worldly situation a person is in, when they describe it. This is a problem of sensation, in fact mostly a lack of extroverted sensation. Once i analyze the mechanics (the process) of their situation via intuition i am good to go. But i can't even grasp, that a person actually exists physically, if i only hear a voice on the phone. Are they comfortable? Are they horny? Are they bored and crave adventure? Such things are rather beyond my imagination. I must see it with my own eyes, to acknowledge it. Talk about your day at the office. I can hardly recall much of it, unless i have been in that office myself and know what your colleagues look like. I can not bear listening to stories that don't lend themselves to analysis. This is all sensation and i can't imagine it properly.
ISTP are much better at interacting with people in real life, but they are not at all understanding types. They just get short bursts of intuition through which they make suggestions about what you ought to do about your situation. Their concern is your situation, not acknowledging much of how your mind operates in time. If really smart and educated, they can become more similar to INFJ though.
of course if "emotional intelligence" means feeling, then thinking types are crap at it. my general experience with this message board is also that it attracts some of the least emotionally intelligent people. by which i mean people make judgements that have zero mercy and that objectify humans. best example is a believe in death penalty. there is just literally zero emotional intelligence involved. but i always doubt either the introversion or the intuition of such people. objectification is just extroverted by definition. entp are often mighty conmen. it's intelligence gone evil. this comes from objectification but also from incoherent unconscious Ti. conscious Ti grasps a concept like "do unto others as you would have others do unto you". but entp don't usually give a fuck about such petty philosophical attachments. bad for business. you will never score if you don't fuck someone over.