Re: Psychology of the beautiful gyal.
Wtf?!!? Do you WANT and INSIST on breaking your marriage? Do you really thyink that ebcause your wife is okayw ith it, that it will not cause problems? My god, why do people insist on getting on Jerry Springer?!?
Alright, I'll just cut this short. Whatever you say from here on is just...tainted.
Makes no sense anymore to reply.
"I'm not so sure I could've gone to age 22, 25, or 26 without having had a woman at least once. That must be so damn terrible!!! So I relate to Elliot immensely, as well as others here. He's in good company with males like us who often don't win out."
Yeah, that is why you don't have the right to start inviting extra people into your rwelationship. You should know better. Because you are killing your marriage and then you won't have anyone. You should be fucking greatful you have a girl at all, yet you insist on being an idiot.
We have already added a third person into the mix from time to time and neither of us had a problem with it. So I fail to see how your reaction is at all substantiated. Attempt to explain -- quickly. I will not tolerate illogicality. Note that with incredible seriousness. Your response is close to annoying me to no end.
Not everyone has what appears to be a mindless traditional attitude towards marriage on your part. If a third person is added to a marriage on either end without permission, then there is certainly a problem. That is called infidelity. But when both parties openly agree to introduce third persons, there is no problem. So explain how the latter is problematic for a relationship or marriage? It makes no sense. Perhaps what you're saying makes sense with respect to the average couple. But my wife is an INTJ and I am an INTP. We are unconventional and rational about sex and love. And our relationship has never been seriously tainted by these harmless activities. lol -- You need to learn to lighten up.
But again, if you still see a problem, please articulate the issue clearly. So far, you are making a host of faulty assumptions. Namely, (1) that adding a third person to the mix automatically puts a marriage in jeopardy (which is nonsense), (2) that when a rational individual (particularly a very intelligent and reasonable INTJ) agrees to a certain form of activity, that she will nonetheless still find it problematic in some fashion or another (which is highly implausible), and (3) that engaging in rationally agreed upon threesomes is at all akin to the kind of sloppy and questionable and mindless behavior that lands people on Jerry Springer (which is extremely ridiculous). And from (1) you seem to have also fallaciously reasoned that (5) I have no right to add a third person to my marriage from time to time. But unless assumption (1) is supported with sufficient logic and weight, (5) does not at all follow. Hence, I see no reason to take your "conclusions" (that I have no right to add a third person to my marriage) seriously. You need to substantiate your claims and many spurious assumptions, my friend, before you can seriously accuse me of "killing" my marriage. lol
(Additionally, how is adding a third person "being an idiot"? I think this additional conclusion also stems from a few of the previous three assumptions you've made. But again, it is highly questionable thay any of your assumptions here actually hold water. It is up to you to support and justify the questionable assumptions you've put forward. Good luck!)
P.S., I am an undergraduate philosophy major at the moment, and I plan on applying for graduate school for philosophy somewhere, next year. One professor said I have a rare talent for philosophy, while another jokingly called me "brilliant," while another spoke of one of my works as "subtle and sophisticated," while another said "your ability denotes a quality school program" and "you have a very great raw material and operate at a much higher level than most undergraduates (including myself at your stage)," while one said I have "philosopher written all over" me (and this last professor actually constantly told everyone my name in class last semester, as he became increasingly obsessed with my philosophical ability). I ended up grading for the last professor last semester, and I also did Supplemental Instruction for the professor who called me "brilliant." I taught students basic ethics, and it was a most rewarding experience (and I may grade for another this summer, as he has asked me to prepare for the task). In sum, most of my professors like me and many have said great things of my ability. I wrote a paper about God recently that many of them liked. In fact, a brilliant young philosophy professor at a website once told me (about three or four years ago) that I should become one. And I have always agreed with him since. He said I had talent for this type of work.
So long story short, my thinking ability is noted by many professors. Take care in responding, as I will carefully scrutinize and attack whatever you say with strong logical skill. Just be warned. I think it is very dubious that your assumptions here actually hold any weight at all. But I suppose I will allow you to try, should you choose. lol --- GOOD LUCK!
For sex? No. But that isn't particularly wacko is it.
No one has said anything about what is or is not "wacko." The point here is that Elliot appeared to have a strong problem with purchasing sex or attention from women. Anything else is off point. So elaborate and explain how your response is at all intelligible. Thanks. Again, I do not tolerate even an ounce of illogicality.
He wanted to be normal and liked and respected for who he was. Don't we all.
As for aiming high or low... I don't know. We all have certain preferences. The first girl I fell in love with was blonde. But I been in love with all hair colors I think.
Well, I suppose it is plausible to suppose he had basic psychological needs, including respect and appreciation. Yet it is also plausible that the also needed to have earned these things naturally, with no external aid (i.e. "handouts"). He wanted some woman to honestly give him the time of day. Merely buying someone's respect or appreciation, for him, was insufficient. It's as simple as that.
Would you really? I don't think so.
Yes, I would. At all having the experience of sex (with anyone), even if it means I must dish out some cash, is far superior to going without an ounce of this extremely distinct experience (often) of pleasure. Elliot was merely far too hung up on his own needlessly rigorous standards. That's all.
He suffered from social anxiety. I don't think it would be possible for him. I suffer from it too and I would be too scared. I considered it myself. But I couldn't see myself going to the local red light district. And being in .nl, it is very easy to do it and you won't even have to fear arrest.
(About social anxiety:-) So do I. And your point is? Even with social anxiety, a paid woman will know how to make the moves and attempt to break down communication barriers, even if she has to use non-verbal communication to get the job done. Hence, being able to speak back need not detract from the experience. So this "excuse" is moot.
Besides, at what point does one make this decision? I wanted sex at 14. It took 14 years. So tell me at what age would I have made the decision? 22? 26? Or already at 20? It doesn't work like that, cause you hope and pray and what have you and it just never happens.
One will make the decision when it becomes absolutely unbearable that the opposite sex has ignored for so long. When one clearly understands that the chances of the opposite sex naturally offering sex is virtually non-existent, one then needs to do what is necessary to satisfy one's impulses and urges. It's really that simple. I fail to see how this question of "when do I make the decision?" is a true problem.
That is how I looked at it, I am sure he did too. And he was right. Every man should be able to be appreciated by someone.
Every man should be able to do many things (possibly even fly). But this does not mean that we should interact with reality in such an irrational and absurd way that we put up walls so high that we are never satisfied or pleased with anything, and ultimately feel trapped in a situation that ends in extreme violence and tragedy. Even if men should be appreciated (as well as women by men), the reality is that this doesn't always happen for everyone. And when that happens, you gotta do what you gotta do to get what you need -- even if that means paying someone. That's it.
Thank you. Hoe subtle of you.
Just being blunt. I know no other way to be.
I can't really respond to these comments about evolution. Possibly an INTP trait, to drag it to the ultimate scope of it all. But may main issue is society, not evolution. Everyone should be able to get a girl. THAt is evolution. All this talk about selection, that is what Elliot constantly talked about.
Everyone should be able to get a girl? True. But society has no serious obligation to make sure that this should happen. It's insane to suppose there should be some system in place which makes sure all people have a mate; to do so would be to limit the natural freedom of citizens who should be able to personally choose who they give their atttention, affection, respect, and appreciation to. Hence, this is nothing less than mindless idealism. It will never happen. It could not happen. Unless of course people begin to see no point in their basic freedom to choose a partner.... lol -- not gonna happen. (Hopefully you are not of the same irrational mindset as Elliot, here. Do you also have a problem with evolutionary dynamics and trends?)
So, no. Evolutionary trends and realistic occurrences and dynamics is what Elliot ultimately had a problem with. How people naturally behave and work on a basic level is what he despised (as women are simply hardwired to prefer certain men to others). Evolutionarily speaking, Elliot did not luck out. He drew a short straw. Hence, his idealism prevented him from accepting this harsh fact. So his problems do seem to come down to being incapable of coping with the harsh reality of evolutionary selection. Society is largely irrelevant to this guy's true issues.
The problem isn't evolution, it is society. And how we are taught from birth to like certain traits in males and females. Look at advertising. The brand 'Axe' does it shamelessly. 'Spray this scent on you and women cannot control themselves and will storm you to have sex'. That is basically the message.
No. It was clearly evolutionary selection that bothered this guy. He didn't complain that his culture was the problem -- that he could simply move away from his culture and adopt the preferable habits of another society. He had a problem with women -- altogether -- (who would likely have ignored him in any other society, though of course ours is much less friendly to men like him), and many if not virtually all societies on the planet may pose a problem to men who simply do not get women on an evolutionary level. It's really that simple. (Imagine Elliot being placed on a giant world-wide poll that asked if women would have sex with him versus someone like Brad Pitt. You seriously think most females on the planet, on a basic level, would choose Elliot over Pitt? Get real. Brad Pitt has what women want on a basic evolutionary level. That's it. It's like comparing carrots to chocolate. People love sweets -- not healthy food, regardless of culture. It's evolution. Go read up. Evolutionary psychology is a great place to start.)
There is a post on how to improve society. Well, let's make advertising illegal. That will help prevent more mass killings than anything else.
I fail to see the point of this remark... I fail to see how advertising is the problem, here. Are you saying that if we simply market nerds and make them look sexy, that we will incline women to go out with and have sex with the nerdiest, most lonely men out there? lol! -- Not gonna happen. Again, what we are dealing with here is clearly hardwiring. Nothing else, really. Deal with the realities of basic biology! It's everything to this discussion of sexual selection and preference and losing out. lol.... talking about advertising is just a mindless scapegoat that fails to see or address the real problem. It's illogical.
This constant bombardment as we allow our children to watch commercials. Many people criticize 'violent games'. Even on here they blame WOW. But the fact is, we allow our kids to be deeply indoctrinated from as soon as their eyes can focus on a television. And from there on we see no fat people or very rarely. We learn to associate sex and being liked, appreciated, all those things, with beauty. We are being psychologically (Edward Bernays) manipulated.
See, precisely. Blaming school shootings on video games, television, advertising, Marilyn Manson, rap music, and all these other largely irrelevant factors is mere SCAPEGOATING. It is just looking for the cheapest and most mindlessly "apparent" explanation for some effect as can be found. But it's a farce. A true explanation for Elliot's problems lies in not in society -- but in his psychological tendency to find evolutionary trends and dynamics harmful and corrosive to his mental health and happiness. It's really that simple. The guy is like an open textbook the way he speaks about his problems. At no point does he really seem to have a problem with his society; it's how women choose!!!! That's his problem. And that's not a social issue. It's basic biology! We are animals. Elliot had a problem with the manner in which women, as animals, operate in the world (and someone women like Elliot have a problem with the manner in which men, as animals, operate in the world too!) Some women don't get men, just as Elliot got no women. It's all evolution and for those who miss out, it is pure agony. But that's life. Not every organism is going to succeed and flourish. Sad but true!!!
That fat people are not on television is irrelevant. People unlikely enjoy the sight of an overweight person, even if we saw them all over TV! Again, there is a basic way in which people do not seem to enjoy the form of an overweight person. The form of a fit person seems to excite most people, for some reason. Hence, perhaps you are getting this backward here: it is the biology that drives the social (with the social REFLECTING the basic foundations of the biological). Our basic behaviors do not largely reflect our society; they inform it. Society is largely the result of basic preferences on a vast collective scale. Hence, that society should "influence" people to engage in certain behavior, by and large, is nonsense. Surely we can be influenced to buy a coke or a meal at McDonalds, but to say that we can be influenced to like the opposite sex, or enjoy sex, or who we decide to marry is pure BS. Those things are much more hardwired than our desire to eat certain food or wear certain clothing at a particular time. (Note: surely we are manipulated in terms of what we want to eat insofar as we are inclined on a basic level to find certain things attractive. But what I mean here is that we are influenced only insofar as we already have certain preferences. Society does not altogether create what we LIKE. WE DO.) That's it.
(P.S., are you actually a feeler???)