Agent Intellect
Absurd Anti-hero.
First, this proposal is not all that modest. It would be expensive, difficult, and very different from what we have been doing so far. That being said, this system would need to be funded. In order to do this, there would need to be tax increases. This is a curse word in the western world, and especially in America.
So how is this predicament solved without taxing the hell out of people? Here are a few ideas:
1. Legalize and tax marijuana. First of all, there is no good reason why it shouldn't be legal, anyway. It's less addictive, less impairing, and has less serious long term effects than alcohol. Second, if it was legalized, not only could we heavily tax it, but it would save us a lot of money by not having to fill our prisons and jails with marijuana offenders.
2. Sin taxes. Small tax increase on cigarettes, booze, and maybe even unhealthy soft drinks. Here is my idea: make diet drinks be the normal drink, and the sugary, calorie filled one be the 'heavy' drink. When you order a drink at Burger King, it's assumed you're getting the diet kind unless you specify otherwise. The 'heavy' drink costs slightly more for tax (I'm thinking a 99 cent drink would go up to a dollar even - chump change for you, but a small income toward education reform).
3. Higher fines for "common sense" things (in my opinion) including, but not limited to: driving while talking on the cell phone; littering and polluting; perhaps even for having too much trash (by weight - this would require that recycling is available); speeding tickets. This would serve the purpose of a) bringing in money for my proposed education reform and b) making things safer and more healthy.
This list is not all inclusive. It merely contains the ideas I could think of right now.
On to the education reform:
The first issue would be the schools themselves. I would want to turn the school building into a community center. Maybe something that rivals the mall. This might mean having fewer schools per city, but the school campus itself would be much bigger.
This would include having places for kids to hang out, and even activities for adults. In addition to the normal extracurricular activities, such as drama clubs, band, sports teams etc, it could host community outreach programs. These programs would be run by the students (under supervision). There would be other student run events and programs - concerts for student organized bands, talent show like things, debates, speeches, plays and so forth. The point here would be more about having the students run things in order to learn responsibility and leadership.
Other things that would go on at school outside the classroom setting would be student tutoring by older students. Since the schools are condensed into large community centers, all levels of education would be held in the same building. The younger students would attend classes that are taught by older students (more on this later). This would not be lecturing or help with homework, but actual student designed (by the older students) curricula with an emphasis on hands-on learning experiences as opposed to listening and memorizing.
This would be a large emphasis for my theoretical system. First of all, I would do away with grades altogether (as in, being in kindergarten, or first grade, second grade etc). Second, I would get rid of standardized curricula (not all kids learn the same way or at the same speed). And third, I would overhaul the way material is taught. To go through this point by point:
1. Doing away with grades. Students would progress at their own pace in different areas. If a student is great at math but terrible at English, then they'll keep moving ahead in math independent of what year it is - if they're flying through arithmetic the first few months, they'll move up to algebra; if they're flying through that, they'll move up to trigonometry. The point being, there would be no reason to complete an entire course on something if all it's going to do is make you board. On the other hand, if you're doing terrible in English, you won't get "held back" after a certain period of time and do the exact same class over again, you will simply move through the material at a slower pace (this might require moving to a more remedial paced classroom, but there wouldn't be any flunking).
2. This was more or less explained in the first point. The idea is to stop treating every student as if they a) learn the same way as everyone else and b) have the same intelligence in the same areas as everyone else.
3. No more lecture -> homework -> memorize -> test. I've posted it before, but this TED talk on how math should be taught sums it up nicely. The idea is that, instead of telling kids facts, having them memorize it and regurgitate it on a test, they figure it out on their own (with guided supervision, obviously). I like the example used in the video where he talks about having the kid figure out how they would measure the slope of a line (I believe the video uses a ski lift as an example or something - it's been a while since I actually watched it). When the student figures out how to separate it into segments (a coordinate plane) the logic behind it will stick with them much better than just being given some problems with a coordinate plane and told how to do them so they can grind out 50 homework problems using different variables. By figuring things out themselves (or even with peers, it doesn't have to be independent) they will acquire a much greater understanding of the material. This would also be used in other classes (more on this later).
To expand on the idea of individualized curriculum, what I propose is that a personality profile of a student is developed over time. My idea has school starting earlier (three years old - more on this later). Right away a profile will begin to be generated that will allow for more personalized curricula. This would take into account personality (perhaps even an MBTI-like system), intelligence in several areas, and the interests of the student. This system would allow the student to cultivate their strengths and strengthen their weaknesses in a way that suits their learning style.
Here is a breakdown of how school would look for a student under my system:
This starts at three years old. Aside from just being a day-care center, there would be various activities that would stimulate intelligence and brain development during this critical period in a students life. Simple activities to develop visual-spatial awareness, simple logic and outside the box thinking, and creativity. Right away a profile of the student would begin to emerge, perhaps even by administering various types of intelligence tests.
Class 1:
There would be some level of standardization at the very beginning. The point of this would be to lay down a foundation for future learning and further develop the personalized curriculum by observing what areas the different students excel or struggle with. Advancement would happen accordingly.
Class 2:
This is where the personalization really begins. Here is my idea: having 8 classes on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. In these classes, the learning style enumerated above would be utilized. Classes would be small - ideally, I'm thinking 10 students and 2 teachers per class (but that would probably be difficult to achieve, but this is all hypothetical here). There would be more hands on experiences for science with students actually designed and carrying out experiments; class discussions for history, government, and grammar classes, where ideas are discussed and critical analysis is applied to a variety of works (instead of a single, standard textbook); application based inquiry for maths (particularly as talked about the TED video I posted) etc. The point is to get rid of lectures.
Tuesdays and Thursdays would be group inquiry days. An idea I had was having the first half of Tuesday be a meeting of a small group of students who have student profiles similar to your own - it would be like being in a group of all INTP's for us. This group would be guided by tutors (older students) who also have personalities similar to the students in the group, who would guide them through various critical thinking, problem solving (logic puzzles, engineering problems etc), rational analysis, and group inquiry exercises.
The second half of the day would meet with another group with a variety of students with different profiles. This group would be for teaching students how to work together, utilizing their strengths and working with other peoples strengths in order to solve puzzles of increasing complexity.
Thursday could perhaps be sort of a "wild card" day - I'm thinking having students undertake individual inquiries. Thursday would be the day that would most resemble homework for the students. Could also be open to various events, such as field trips and guest speakers.
Class 3:
This would be sort of an intermediary level where students begin really focusing on their strengths. At this point, it would be much more clear what an individual student excels at and what sort of personality they have. It's at this point that one of a very few standardized tests would be administered - similar to the SAT's or ACT's. This would be for profile purposes; also, a certain score would be needed in order to be eligible for the senatorial school.
Class 4:
This is what's considered an "older student". At this point their education has become very specialized for their needs - someone who has shown great mechanical acuity would be taking appliance repair and installation, auto-repair, and other mechanically oriented classes (of course, this would be their choice - someone awesome at being a mechanic wouldn't be pigeonholed, but the point is, the students would be taking classes for whatever specialty their interested in).
There would still be a certain level that every student would have to achieve in various core classes, which would include math (I'd say geometry is minimum), writing (the ability to write a coherent essay that can express and defend an idea would be minimal), government (not sure where I'd cut this off, but it would be necessary), reading (if someone can explicate on Shakespeare coherently, they can probably read good enough), world studies (geography, foreign cultures etc).
At this level, the students Tuesdays and Thursdays would be spent tutoring the younger students. Their would be a minimum curriculum about what sorts of things would need to be taught (as enumerated above) but much of it would be designed by these students. Their progress in this would be assessed by teachers.
Class 5:
This would be what could be considered early college level now (community college level). This would focus on students strengths, but there would be classes that also integrate different areas. Things like writing scientific papers and critical analysis of other peoples work (in areas including science, history, philosophy, politics); attempting to come up with mathematical formula to describe social interactions and statistics etc. These things would be presented to and defended against panels of teachers (much like a masters program, I guess).
There would be a lot of focus on critical thinking and problem solving at this point. I would probably utilize technology a lot here, running various simulations and having the students apply knowledge to solve complex problems, run virtual cities (government), assess various ethical dilemmas in both human interactions and in science, run a virtual business in which they have to make tough decisions by analyzing available data and so forth.
This would be private institutions, so not much to say about it with my system.
A few other things to mention:
Year round school - bear with me here. During the summer there would be more fun type classes - arts (learning guitar, or painting, or writing etc), physical activities (perhaps like martial arts, sports) and field trips to various places. This could be something that meets only 3 days a week or something, so summer is still a vacation for the most part.
Simple things, such as smaller class sizes, more teachers (with higher pay, particularly based on merit), nutritional food, student participation in programs (mock government type things, laboratory time with student designed experiments, upperclassman tutoring younger children etc), and just offering children a place to be even outside of class time.
The main objectives, as stated before, is to increase peoples ability to think critically and rationally, be able to solve problems, and still act as a cohesive member of society. On a shorter scale, though, making school more accessible, fun, individualized, with focus on problem solving as opposed to memorization would be the primary objective.
So how is this predicament solved without taxing the hell out of people? Here are a few ideas:
1. Legalize and tax marijuana. First of all, there is no good reason why it shouldn't be legal, anyway. It's less addictive, less impairing, and has less serious long term effects than alcohol. Second, if it was legalized, not only could we heavily tax it, but it would save us a lot of money by not having to fill our prisons and jails with marijuana offenders.
2. Sin taxes. Small tax increase on cigarettes, booze, and maybe even unhealthy soft drinks. Here is my idea: make diet drinks be the normal drink, and the sugary, calorie filled one be the 'heavy' drink. When you order a drink at Burger King, it's assumed you're getting the diet kind unless you specify otherwise. The 'heavy' drink costs slightly more for tax (I'm thinking a 99 cent drink would go up to a dollar even - chump change for you, but a small income toward education reform).
3. Higher fines for "common sense" things (in my opinion) including, but not limited to: driving while talking on the cell phone; littering and polluting; perhaps even for having too much trash (by weight - this would require that recycling is available); speeding tickets. This would serve the purpose of a) bringing in money for my proposed education reform and b) making things safer and more healthy.
This list is not all inclusive. It merely contains the ideas I could think of right now.
On to the education reform:
The first issue would be the schools themselves. I would want to turn the school building into a community center. Maybe something that rivals the mall. This might mean having fewer schools per city, but the school campus itself would be much bigger.
This would include having places for kids to hang out, and even activities for adults. In addition to the normal extracurricular activities, such as drama clubs, band, sports teams etc, it could host community outreach programs. These programs would be run by the students (under supervision). There would be other student run events and programs - concerts for student organized bands, talent show like things, debates, speeches, plays and so forth. The point here would be more about having the students run things in order to learn responsibility and leadership.
Other things that would go on at school outside the classroom setting would be student tutoring by older students. Since the schools are condensed into large community centers, all levels of education would be held in the same building. The younger students would attend classes that are taught by older students (more on this later). This would not be lecturing or help with homework, but actual student designed (by the older students) curricula with an emphasis on hands-on learning experiences as opposed to listening and memorizing.
This would be a large emphasis for my theoretical system. First of all, I would do away with grades altogether (as in, being in kindergarten, or first grade, second grade etc). Second, I would get rid of standardized curricula (not all kids learn the same way or at the same speed). And third, I would overhaul the way material is taught. To go through this point by point:
1. Doing away with grades. Students would progress at their own pace in different areas. If a student is great at math but terrible at English, then they'll keep moving ahead in math independent of what year it is - if they're flying through arithmetic the first few months, they'll move up to algebra; if they're flying through that, they'll move up to trigonometry. The point being, there would be no reason to complete an entire course on something if all it's going to do is make you board. On the other hand, if you're doing terrible in English, you won't get "held back" after a certain period of time and do the exact same class over again, you will simply move through the material at a slower pace (this might require moving to a more remedial paced classroom, but there wouldn't be any flunking).
2. This was more or less explained in the first point. The idea is to stop treating every student as if they a) learn the same way as everyone else and b) have the same intelligence in the same areas as everyone else.
3. No more lecture -> homework -> memorize -> test. I've posted it before, but this TED talk on how math should be taught sums it up nicely. The idea is that, instead of telling kids facts, having them memorize it and regurgitate it on a test, they figure it out on their own (with guided supervision, obviously). I like the example used in the video where he talks about having the kid figure out how they would measure the slope of a line (I believe the video uses a ski lift as an example or something - it's been a while since I actually watched it). When the student figures out how to separate it into segments (a coordinate plane) the logic behind it will stick with them much better than just being given some problems with a coordinate plane and told how to do them so they can grind out 50 homework problems using different variables. By figuring things out themselves (or even with peers, it doesn't have to be independent) they will acquire a much greater understanding of the material. This would also be used in other classes (more on this later).
To expand on the idea of individualized curriculum, what I propose is that a personality profile of a student is developed over time. My idea has school starting earlier (three years old - more on this later). Right away a profile will begin to be generated that will allow for more personalized curricula. This would take into account personality (perhaps even an MBTI-like system), intelligence in several areas, and the interests of the student. This system would allow the student to cultivate their strengths and strengthen their weaknesses in a way that suits their learning style.
Here is a breakdown of how school would look for a student under my system:
This starts at three years old. Aside from just being a day-care center, there would be various activities that would stimulate intelligence and brain development during this critical period in a students life. Simple activities to develop visual-spatial awareness, simple logic and outside the box thinking, and creativity. Right away a profile of the student would begin to emerge, perhaps even by administering various types of intelligence tests.
Class 1:
There would be some level of standardization at the very beginning. The point of this would be to lay down a foundation for future learning and further develop the personalized curriculum by observing what areas the different students excel or struggle with. Advancement would happen accordingly.
Class 2:
This is where the personalization really begins. Here is my idea: having 8 classes on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. In these classes, the learning style enumerated above would be utilized. Classes would be small - ideally, I'm thinking 10 students and 2 teachers per class (but that would probably be difficult to achieve, but this is all hypothetical here). There would be more hands on experiences for science with students actually designed and carrying out experiments; class discussions for history, government, and grammar classes, where ideas are discussed and critical analysis is applied to a variety of works (instead of a single, standard textbook); application based inquiry for maths (particularly as talked about the TED video I posted) etc. The point is to get rid of lectures.
Tuesdays and Thursdays would be group inquiry days. An idea I had was having the first half of Tuesday be a meeting of a small group of students who have student profiles similar to your own - it would be like being in a group of all INTP's for us. This group would be guided by tutors (older students) who also have personalities similar to the students in the group, who would guide them through various critical thinking, problem solving (logic puzzles, engineering problems etc), rational analysis, and group inquiry exercises.
The second half of the day would meet with another group with a variety of students with different profiles. This group would be for teaching students how to work together, utilizing their strengths and working with other peoples strengths in order to solve puzzles of increasing complexity.
Thursday could perhaps be sort of a "wild card" day - I'm thinking having students undertake individual inquiries. Thursday would be the day that would most resemble homework for the students. Could also be open to various events, such as field trips and guest speakers.
Class 3:
This would be sort of an intermediary level where students begin really focusing on their strengths. At this point, it would be much more clear what an individual student excels at and what sort of personality they have. It's at this point that one of a very few standardized tests would be administered - similar to the SAT's or ACT's. This would be for profile purposes; also, a certain score would be needed in order to be eligible for the senatorial school.
Class 4:
This is what's considered an "older student". At this point their education has become very specialized for their needs - someone who has shown great mechanical acuity would be taking appliance repair and installation, auto-repair, and other mechanically oriented classes (of course, this would be their choice - someone awesome at being a mechanic wouldn't be pigeonholed, but the point is, the students would be taking classes for whatever specialty their interested in).
There would still be a certain level that every student would have to achieve in various core classes, which would include math (I'd say geometry is minimum), writing (the ability to write a coherent essay that can express and defend an idea would be minimal), government (not sure where I'd cut this off, but it would be necessary), reading (if someone can explicate on Shakespeare coherently, they can probably read good enough), world studies (geography, foreign cultures etc).
At this level, the students Tuesdays and Thursdays would be spent tutoring the younger students. Their would be a minimum curriculum about what sorts of things would need to be taught (as enumerated above) but much of it would be designed by these students. Their progress in this would be assessed by teachers.
Class 5:
This would be what could be considered early college level now (community college level). This would focus on students strengths, but there would be classes that also integrate different areas. Things like writing scientific papers and critical analysis of other peoples work (in areas including science, history, philosophy, politics); attempting to come up with mathematical formula to describe social interactions and statistics etc. These things would be presented to and defended against panels of teachers (much like a masters program, I guess).
There would be a lot of focus on critical thinking and problem solving at this point. I would probably utilize technology a lot here, running various simulations and having the students apply knowledge to solve complex problems, run virtual cities (government), assess various ethical dilemmas in both human interactions and in science, run a virtual business in which they have to make tough decisions by analyzing available data and so forth.
This would be private institutions, so not much to say about it with my system.
A few other things to mention:
Year round school - bear with me here. During the summer there would be more fun type classes - arts (learning guitar, or painting, or writing etc), physical activities (perhaps like martial arts, sports) and field trips to various places. This could be something that meets only 3 days a week or something, so summer is still a vacation for the most part.
Simple things, such as smaller class sizes, more teachers (with higher pay, particularly based on merit), nutritional food, student participation in programs (mock government type things, laboratory time with student designed experiments, upperclassman tutoring younger children etc), and just offering children a place to be even outside of class time.
The main objectives, as stated before, is to increase peoples ability to think critically and rationally, be able to solve problems, and still act as a cohesive member of society. On a shorter scale, though, making school more accessible, fun, individualized, with focus on problem solving as opposed to memorization would be the primary objective.
I got lazy and copy-pasted some of my summary from the "Emotional Politics" thread here at the end, but I had a long day and am falling asleep. I assume this is enough to read for now, anyway. This is not all inclusive, nor is it complete. Unfortunately, exhaustion is getting the better of me.