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Editing For Your Writing?

Sapphire Harp

Well-Known Member
Local time
Today 8:34 AM
Nov 6, 2008
Has anyone been involved in or encountered a good online community for editing creative writing, with an eye towards publication?

Or some other resource for quality editing?

I'm looking for something like that for right now and hopefully again, later.

Agent Intellect

Absurd Anti-hero.
Local time
Today 10:34 AM
Jul 28, 2008
I'm not sure if its what you're looking for, but you can have peer editors give you criticism and talk to other writers on a forum at Critique Circle. I haven't posted anything on there in over a year, but I know there used to be published people on there and people that had knowledge about how to get in touch with editors and publishers and so forth.

They have a similar thing at Chuck Palahniuk's website (guy who wrote Fight Club and Choke). I believe they even have a contest this year where the winners will have their stories reviewed and published by Chuck Palahniuk.

Sapphire Harp

Well-Known Member
Local time
Today 8:34 AM
Nov 6, 2008
AI - thanks for that. Critique Circle looks very much like what I was after. I imagine I'll be giving it a try in the next day or two here.

I went looking for more options after I posted, but before you responded. I managed to find a website called Critters Writers Workshop, which might even be a better option. It has a narrower focus, being only science fiction, fantasy, and horror - which is what I write... but a far more rigorous pace. Apparently you're required to submit a critique pretty much weekly or be deactivated. Great if you're serious about producing some writing... Not so great sounding, if you're half-in, half-out like me.


Local time
Today 11:34 PM
Mar 15, 2010
Does anyone know of anything similar for (particularly school-related) essays?

Sapphire Harp

Well-Known Member
Local time
Today 8:34 AM
Nov 6, 2008
Sorry, Alkeides. I haven't encountered anything like that.

* * * * *

I came across several links in a writing magazine that were also candidates for what I was looking for... I didn't examine them terribly closely, but they seemed viable. I thought I'd just list them here for the sake of being thorough.

TheWritersSite - listings of various other critique groups.


Internet Writing Workshop
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