This thread is so long I doubt anyone reads my post.
I have done LSD probably five times in my life and some trips were terrifying some were beautiful. All in all I don't regret it, but the bad trips are so intense that I don't see myself doing it in the near future. When the trip goes bad it lasts like 12-16 hours too. The good trips were some of the most amazing times of my life though. Listening to Hendrix etc watching the world melt.
I have done shrooms two times and both trips were good. There is a severe body load and I hate feeling like I am not in control. After the body load lightened up about 1 hour in it was cool. I don't see shrooms as a problem.
I have done cocaine about ten times and wasted entirely too much money. The dealer always cuts the coke and you get ripped off so bad its not even funny. Its a fun drug to try once or twice, but seriously they are ripping you off. Its good to have a girl around to do it with if you can find one.
I am an alcoholic. I drink so much alcohol its not even funny. I am 300 pounds and 6' 6" so I can hold more booze than most. I am trying to cut back on the booze intake, hopefully I grow out of it.
Good drug if you are feeling anxious or coming down off of another drug. Highly addictive and I am told coming off of benzodiazepines isn't pretty. I've seen some youtube videos of people withdrawing and it looks like hell. Wouldn't recommend getting into.
Didn't even notice I was on it. Maybe slight inhibition loss.
Very transparent. Killed my anxiety and it didn't dumb me down too much. Afraid of getting hooked and going through benzo withdrawal later on so I dropped it.
Adderall (amphetamine)
Not sure how to put this one into words. Makes you extremely focused and able to read and study for longer periods of time. The main high lasts about 4 hours. Coming down kind of sucks. Gets addictive. To be honest made me feel like a teenager again with all that energy.
This stuff is legal if you ever feel like ordering any. Most compare it to LSD meets MDMA. I personally tripped balls and was taking pictures of things in my apartment to see if I was tripping or if they were really there. Really weird drug. I ended up doing way too much of it and kind of lost my mind for awhile. Can bring out emotions. Hard to have a bad trip on.
Pretty weird ass drug. Once you snort it you start to go into a dissociative state. You actually get to pick your hallucination too. I went to the bathroom and turned the lights off and I imagined I was floating in space and I saw stars. You'd have to try it to see what I mean. Go into a dark room and pick a hallucination and you'll be there. Only addictive psychedelic that exists.
This is a fun drug, but watch out. Do too much and you'll be in a vegetable like state. I have done so much that I laid down and couldn't move yet I was still semi conscience. It pretty much sucked. Do just the right amount and you'll feel insanely drunk for about 1-2 hours. If you pass out from too much GHB when you wake up you feel amazing. I forget the reason why.
Same as GHB, but your liver has to break it down into GHB. Its legal on the internet. Who knows what its doing to your body while its being converted to GHB by your liver though.
I have done the stupid robo tripping crap where you drink a ton of cough syrup. Can't really explain the trip it was very weird though.
One time I was so sick of my alcoholism that I took an antabuse pill and slammed it down with a full beer. Got pretty sick. Sucked.
Makes me super paranoid. Don't like it. I have heard different strains effect different people different ways. Sativa and Indica or whatever are two completely different highs. Didn't want to go too far into it because it robs you of ambition.
I think that's all. I am told never to do Salvia, pretty terrifying shit. I'd like to try n,n-DMT.