Cars with an extra dimension, their broader usage will most likely develop in a similar vein. More versatile incarnation of RC planes
One extra use, I recall your amazon corp saying they will use drones for delivery... searching... might have been denied/approved by some or other FAA or whatnot.
On a more predicationary level, the greater prevalence and availability of drones will lead to various systems as well as scandals.
Thinking of paparazzi spying on them famous folks, perhaps leading to the famously rich employing defense systems to deter drones, perhaps nets, early warning systems or whatnot.
Lunabomber: With enough willpower, terrorists or just good old rampagers would be able to rig up drones with bombs/bio weapons, striking their targets with far lessened risk to themselves. Can see how church/school/club/human hovel killings could be done in this manner in future times.
Public vs state/others: Civilian drones used to monitor the police or their own neighbourhoods for shady looking miscreants.
Drone tourism: Pay to fly a drone or log into a drone livefeed, with the drone roaming some forest, savannah or other attraction (Daily routes through palaces, ruins, wildlife preserves etc.)
Drones at concerts, gatherings: Both for security and entertainment, find troublemakers or watch people get piss drunk while listening to ordered soundwaves.
Music drones: Beatboxesque flying machine blaring out da tunes.
Pesticide drones: Instead of a crop duster, use one or more to apply chemicals. Less waste, lower cost(?).
Cat-in-tree rescue drones.
Hunting drones: instead of shooting birds, zap them with a tazer on yer drone.
So yes, I can think of various uses if drones are allowed onto the mass market. Perhaps more stable and affluent countries like switzerland will allow such usage first.
(Ofc this is only on a short timescale. Jump forward a 100 or so years, you get fruit-picking drones, baby-carrying drones, drones that care for pets/feed livestock, drones that work in factories/fast food joints {stationary technology limited here, so in a factory or in the feeding pens you may still need a mobile entity, if only to unload goods, prod cattle into gangways or bring burgers to the awaiting consumer's maw}
Hordes of drones putting out fires, laying bricks, tending hedges, cutting lawns, advertisement drones roaming the halls of malls, packing shelves....
If robotic development and AI progress at a steady pace, drones can become quite economically versatile further lessening the need for physical exertion by we apes)