Ganjika. Try it sometime.
Great minds discuss ideas;
average minds discuss events;
small minds discuss people.
/ Eleanor Roosevelt /
Isn’t it better to discuss my formulas ?
What is the value of (A)'s mind (where "A"= any given human mind)
if A discusses (ideas+events+people)?
If great minds (GM) are valued (3) because they discuss ideas (DI)
and average minds (AM) are valued at (2) because they discuss events (DE)
and small minds (SM) are valued at (1) because they discuss people (DP),
then person (A) have a mind value of 6 for discussing (DI+DE+DP)?
Therefore, if we discuss you (s0cratus, a person) in conjunction with your formulas (DI+DP), then our mind values will be 4, which is better than 3 (if we only 'DI').