the thing is the way games are programmed radically changed since massive use of 3D accelerator
the problem with this kind of programming is that is totally separate the rendering from rest of the program, and the cpu must still do all the physics, on which all interaction is based, so it become extremly more difficult to add good level of interactions, and what make game interesting in the term depth of athmosphere in term of interaction
it's more focused all on massive use of rendering effect, and some basic physics, than about interaction, even skyrim, it has tons of bugs in the quest system, even the inventory system is often bugged, and their quest are never all that really deep, or non linear either, the way modern game are programmed make it generally very hard to have good level of interactions, and it's generally not the main focus, majority of the program is about 3D engine, scene format, octree/bsp tree to cut in the world in little piece into which the interaction take place, and physics engine, rather than about adding deep level of interaction
fallout new vegas was still really good on that regard, it's one of the only recent game that i really had a good wow moment =) the game really have high level of non linearity, and really give a good impression of coherence, and the world of new vegas is much richer than the one of fallout 3, i think they did a really good job with this one =)
but now it's more the rush to the highest resolution, to more effect, that take advantage of the most expansive graphic card, it's a bit buisness, to make a game competitive with the top of shelve, need huge team of people, all ultra specialized in a one technical area of graphics or pogramming, and it become very hard to manage the project for more complex kind of game world
even to compare skyrim with daggerfall, i don't know if some played daggerfall, but the world was really HUGE, like litterally thousand of cities, in different kindgoms, plenty of different guilds, and temples, and really huge interaction on all level, much more interactions, and spells that what skyrim has, by far
but also daggerfall could be pretty bugged, and it was not always very well controlled, it's the problem when you add non linearity in a game, after it become much harder to debug, trouble shot, and make it accessible to casual player who just want to shoot a few troll, and it was not always easy to play
since oblivion they made it much easier, and less bugged, because it's much more linear, and the whole game play is predicted in a script, so there is much less problem of debugging odd situation where stuff can make bugs, or lead to situation where the player can be stuck or some problem
but daggerfall it was still in the same kind of engine than doom, and editors for this kind of engine like duke nukem could become really neat and complex, and there was way to really create rich interactive world rather easily
since quake3, it become already much more difficult to do so, even if quake3 was still rather ok, but the level of interaction with the environment is pretty limited as well
now game become a big buisness of graphic card, drivers, sdk's, and a huge industry, and it's focused mostly on rendering capacity, because it used to be the limit before in game, but now it's the opposite, and it become much harder to actually make rich itneractive world because the graphic card can only render some list of polygons with effects, but to have the good physics as basis of interaction become very difficult for the cpu, and this is a thing that they is still not really well dealt with today, so they just make super realistic environment, with montrusous graphics and limited physics, and interaction