My sister, a graduate student in psychology, told me that it was considered unethical to type someone without their express permission. I can understand this. If you can accurately type someone you have all sorts of insights into their behavior and insecurities. Someone could easily use such knowledge to manipulate a person without the victim having a clue.
My sister, a graduate student in psychology, told me that it was considered unethical to type someone without their express permission. I can understand this. If you can accurately type someone you have all sorts of insights into their behavior and insecurities. Someone could easily use such knowledge to manipulate a person without the victim having a clue.
I type people like a fucking demon. Ever since I have gotten into this, and I'm down to about two to five minutes of observation now. But I'd highly recommend it, it is an infinitely useful tool to know enough about how a person's mind works to know how to approach them, and what they are looking for out of you.
This isn't unethical, people analyze others and use that information to manipulate them all the time. For example, if you observe that a person talks a lot, you can deduce they probably don't like being alone and you can "manipulate" their emotions by letting them talk to you longer. They won't have a clue that you've tricked them into feeling a bit better, but that's exactly what you've done by subjectively judging them as being talkative.
My point is MBTI is just another way to understand people, and will, like any piece of information, assist you in manipulating others to do your bidding if that's what you want. It's no more or less ethical than other judgements we make, based on people's dress sense, manners, hobbies, or income level. Just another tool in the repository.
So just because everyone already does it, it's totally ethical. Right.
True. But judging people on their appearance/manners/doings/earnings, whilst most people do it, many others will agree that it isn't 'ethical'. But there you might get into a discussion about what is and isn't 'ethical'. >.>
It's true that humans seem to be naturally judgemental creatures. Just because we are by nature, however, does it mean it's right? Seeing as I go by Kantian ethics, this is what I ask myself: would I like everyone in the world to judge like this? My answer is no; therefore to me, at least, the action is unethical. Even if it is a natural human trait.I happen to think it's insane to call judging people based on appearance and behaviour unethical. There are few things more absolutely fundamental to human social interaction. We do it constantly, and rightly so!
A lot of things have started out ethical and have become unethical because of people doing things 'incorrectly'. Communism wasn't meant to be bad in its purest form, but because of some people using the theory 'incorrectly' or with 'incorrect' motives, there've been some pretty bad results.Even typing people based on the MBTI is absolutely ethical, it's just that you're doing it incorrectly, based on behaviour and not preference.
All fake blondes are 'E's.
Anyone wearing brown shoes is a 'J'.
If you see someone turn their head twice, nod, and touch their ear, they are an NF.
If you see someone turn their head twice, nod THRICE, but not touch their ear, they are an NT.
Should they execute a thrice head turn, coupled with a thrice nod, reach for their ear, but decide against it, fantastic! You have just spotted an NTP!
Should they exit a stationary vehicle, left foot first, they are either a 'J' or a disgruntled STP.
More later. Will create a flowchart...
Okay so I started writing a reply to this and it came out really long, I am actually not even done with it. I am up to like a page and a half worth of material and I still haven't even finished talking about F and S yet. So I think I am just going to make my own thread on this. More on this
i understand the types and such .. like what n and t and f and s are, and how j or p determines extroverted introverted etc.. but do you have any tips for typing people in public?
thats cool.Okay so I started writing a reply to this and it came out really long, I am actually not even done with it. I am up to like a page and a half worth of material and I still haven't even finished talking about F and S yet. So I think I am just going to make my own thread on this. More on this soon...
I think what is most important is:So just because everyone already does it, it's totally ethical. Right.
True. But judging people on their appearance/manners/doings/earnings, whilst most people do it, many others will agree that it isn't 'ethical'. But there you might get into a discussion about what is and isn't 'ethical'. >.>
I sometimes try to type people, with varying results. Some people are harder to read than others. I don't really think it's unethical, but I would beware of confirmation bias. I don't think that's something INTPs are as susceptible to as, say, ENTJs, but it's still an easy trap to fall into. I mean, let's face it, we sometimes want someone to be an INTP, and so we may believe they are until we can disprove it.
I tend to look not at "letters", but at functions. I say "OK, Sensing: are they e or i?" According to the theory, if they have Se, then they also have Ni....and so forth. Once you can discern their 4 cognitive functions, the next part(s) is easy (usually). You ask yourself which one or ones seem weakest or strongest, whichever is easiest to discern.