I have one that I picked up for work. It got used maybe twice. The trick is to commit to using it... I got mine for a very specific purpose and ended up not really needing it, that's why it never saw much use.
In the specific context of hiking (on shrooms) I think a dictaphone is a good way to go. Bringing your phone to use an on-board or online app for taking voice notes or otherwise (on shrooms) opens you up to all sorts of expensive, silly, tragic mishap potential. Notes in a note pad can be difficult to wrap your brain around again later if you don't make GOOD notes (on shrooms).
A dictaphone can be smaller to lug around than a smartphone and can fit in smaller pockets. The new, solid state ones are pretty light, and of course no moving parts like the micro cassette recorders had (and no tape!!).
Dictaphone will have simple, one button or voice activation, so you avoid having to allocate a button on your smartphone for one-touch access to your voice recording app, and you never have to unlock your screen or stop what you are doing to type stuff out and subsequently end up derailing whatever tangent your trip had you chasing.
If you can find a cheap one you can't go wrong trying it out to see if it meets your needs. I may not use mine like, evar, but I know how to use it and I know precisely where it is if the need ever arises - it's cool enough to be on stand-by.
Happy hiking! (On shrooms)
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