Not weird or off in an unpleasant way. There was more attraction than repulsion - like recognising kin. I wouldn't describe them as 'weird', because they don't have a repulsive or particularly unconventional flavour to me. But I do sometimes like to mix the intestinal soup with the flesh, which can be a little funny for the tastebuds.
^I don't make jokes like that irl, which probably accounts for my escaping the 'repulsive weird' label, and getting more of the 'appreciative weird/slap on the back' stuff. But I do get flak sometimes for being too abstract, or too conceptual, or too serious/intense, or too 'smart'. I try hard to avoid that but I often don't even realise I'm doing it till someone labels me off-hand to someone else as really intelligent, or intellectual, etc. I'm honestly amazed at the spectrum of humanity. I just assumed everyone else tried to work their lives and heads out by thinking and talking about it, but apparently this is really uncommon. Most people do it by feel, or are satisfied with some rudimentary rumination, or just don't care at all and go along with whatever happens (Se doms?). I'm not that abstract, have very little imagination and generally prefer levity to seriousness. So considering there are many levels above me, the fact that I'm considered alien by otherwise normal (ok, they're so normal they're weird, but whatever) people is pretty strange for me and suggests that the ladder I'm on is way, way longer than I'd thought.
Somewhat related:
How aware of you, and how accurate are you, in determining what others think of you? Considering Fe is used to influence AND read social dynamics, and it's our lowest function, I wonder if a lot of the time we simply don't do as well as others with this and either try to Ti it out (as opposed to just sort of knowing intuitively, the way I think Fe doms do) and end up overanalysing, or it doesn't register on our radar at all. [I imagine the former are a slightly more mature model; they're just not very good at what they're trying to do. At least they've recognised the deficit though.]
Similar reasons for asking as the OP. We'll generally be aware of our own reactions to people, but how good are we at reading others'?
Another thought:
Jeff Goldblum, alleged INTP. I saw an interview of his on Letterman, and while his body language and level of engagement suggested someone who was socially comfortable, after a while his choice of conversation - which was almost entirely self-deprecatory and focused on his need to fit in and look good and failure to do so (basically failed attempts at satisfying an inferior Fe) - became pretty weird. What was he trying to prove? Was he trying to ingratiate himself with the audience by being humble? Was he trying to deny the fact that he cared intensely by discussing it with contrived nonchalance? (Are my questions totally off-the-mark because only Js have agendas?)
It seemed to me like he'd mastered the ability to appear normal, but underneath it all still hadn't quite gotten the 'normal conversation' down, and his Fe issues were leaking out. Similar to what some others have posted about older, mature and seemingly normal people actually being really strange when you get to know them. People like Goldblum (the showbiz/popular/materialistic INTP type) especially seem to be trying to prove something and pulling out all the stops to make it appear as if they're not trying to at all. Almost like a pick-up artist. All these rehearsed moves, lines, stories, ways of interacting that are too intellectually processed to be totally comfortable.
It never goes away.
Here's the video, in case anyone's interested:
YouTube - Jeff Goldblum on Letterman Part 1‏
My memory may have exaggerated details.
IMO, Ashley Olsen is an example of an INTP who isn't weird, just intense, and happy being that way. Macauley Culkin... I'm not sure. Could go either way. Maybe we get worse as we grow older.
I see Goldblum's behaviour as a need for validation, or perhaps just Fe data. He probably has every possible reaction mapped out in his head and knows every pattern, but still has that need for a real live response.
And then there's that overconfession of "sins", especially ones related to conformity or self-consciousness. He needs to exorcise his demons (the ego of Ti, fighting against the weak and pitiful demands of Fe ["I don't care about being normal!"
"please stop being so weird it's embarrassing, and for god's sake brush your teeth" "SHUT THE FUCK UP"]). He has to do this in a public arena, to hold himself accountable. There are all these conflicting motivations at play:
Be honest with yourself by admitting you need to be validated and care how you come across. (Ti principle of honesty)
Be off-hand about these truths so it seems as if you don't really care much (Fe agenda)
Because why should you? There's absolutely no reason to....[Ti spiral]
But make sure you make that really obvious so everyone knows
Wait, you're doing it again! Now you have to go on even longer about all these terrible things that awful Fe has made you done so you'll be clean again.
You know, the more you do this, the weirder you sound. Be cool man, be cool.
But remember: you don't really care about any of this.
The reason it has to be public is because there is simultaneously a need to show off Ti, in demonstrating how objective and honest we are even about ourselves (and how THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN TELL ME ABOUT MYSELF THAT I DON'T ALREADY KNOW, WHO THE HELL ARE YOU ANYWAY, I EAT INTROSPECTION FOR BREAKFAST), and a need for proper Fe feedback - even though we tell ourselves it's just about the honesty and has nothing to do with wanting to interact with another human being.
I haven't explained any of this very well and now this is certainly tldr. Sorry.