don't focus on fear, that's just one emotional manifestation or face of control (anger, greed, jealousy ...), control being the attempt to define yourself, to make yourself into something apparent, because that is supposed to be an advantage in the world, be it society or nature.
in my book, the very definition of genius is love for what is, as the neutralising of opposite qualities of control like fear, greed anger, within the context of what you are a genius about, what you love. and the coherency and integrity of thought that ar the result of such love: un-dividedness, honesty.
emotions of control are a contraction, they create division, meaning projection, the enemy inside, whom you try to outsmart, meaning dissociated intelligence, self-righteousness, a self-image that defines itself as perfect through perfect ignorance, meaning effective real world stupidity.
by definition i can say, that i am a genius within the realm of what i love, however tiny that realm may be. i don't care about meaningless definitions of the word genius, such as someone with a certain IQ number (who nukes japan, because he is really a fucking moron full of hate) or someone who is appreciated by society for providing something useful.
the word genius reminds me of genie in a bottle, it's a certain spirit, meaning attitude or internal posture, a conFIGURation of mind. a STATE of mind, not it's size. the genie in the bottle is rich and effortlessly so, he is overflowing.
the genius is very playful, he isn't driven by a certain outcome, he basically wants to get his head around something for no specific reason. that's love. and that is often not enough for society. unless you stand out and they want you to save them. the average sized genius is nothing. he has to create himself into something fake, something that is of lesser intelligence compared to his inner genius. something with "ambition" as they call it, something dead that eats brains, in order to be recognized. sell himself as they call it. sell humanity.