This is
already happening. Sure, not everyone is going to is going to take to it, but most people who have a credit card are already participating in this kind of system. Instead of just reducing rates, they have figured out a way to hold on to that money, interest free, by calling them "reward points" (and in many cases controlling
how you spend them). Sure, you could just choose to not participate in their little game, but then you're just getting fucked. They are essentially taking money from you and making you jump through
their hoops to get it back. It's hard to find a credit card company that
isn't doing this, and you pretty much need a credit card in today's society.
This is like if a school bully stole a kids milk, but then offered to give it back if the kid did his homework, it's just presented in such a way that the theft is hidden and the task to reclaim it seems minuscule. A good example of this is This is a site that's users only visit and participate on because there is a promise of prizes for points. People get points for doing stuff that will earn the site money (ie, increasing the sites value by traffic, getting other people to join, filling out crap sponsored by companies, etc). In this case what is stolen from the users is their time, energy, and bandwidth. They are essentially the employees of the site (without realizing it) who get paid extremely poorly, when you look at the amount of work most of them put into it.
You may look at a game like the success of Farmville and dismiss it. This is easy to do because there is nothing pressuring you to play the game, only the hope for entertainment and prizes. Also, the punishment in for neglecting the game after you have opted in is trivial. What happens when these systems are all over? They will become necessary (like in the case of compulsory education or if government got involved). When these systems exist in the real world, the punishment side of the system will also be less trivial. You might despise the system, but eventually you might be forced into playing along with at least some of them.
The fundamental nature of a system like this, is the idea of "good" and "bad". The merit of ones actions/behaviors is not something that can/should be quantified and judged in a free society. You could argue that the (US) legal system does this, but it doesn't, it assess the
legality of ones actions. When you let a government/corporation decide for you what is "good" or "bad", you have forfeited your liberty.
And how are these things gonna even communicate all the data they are evilly gathering about you? By magically connecting to your home wifi without any sort of permission? How hard can it be to block a camera? Or to just not buy fucking spyware? Really now.
We already have nationwide wireless internet via the cell phone companies, and I can only imagine that technology like this will continue to grow in its uses and availability.