I'm sceptical about symbolizing the complexity of a function through a mechanism, it seems too reductionistic. A larger degree of abstraction seems required, for the symbol to include all possibilities. Elements or substances are abstract enough.
Fi could be a calm sea and then become a maelstrom, it could also freeze, etc.
But it's always water.
I've been thinking back and forth, is intuition air or fire, is sensation earth or fire. I'm thinking intuition must probably be fire, fire has density and speed, which reminds me of your beehive, btw, thinking must be air. Admittedly steel is not exactly made from air. And frankly i don't really feel how air is accurate, except in so far, as it is removed from earth. Wind perhaps. Thinking might be wind, that makes a lot more sense. Wind can even contain some water. Te could be cold mountain air at rapid speed, it has the feel of steel. It works with speed, pressure, minimalism. And Ti could perhaps be ... i lack the terminology ... the vertical forces of climate, which works with increasing density, temperature and gravity. Or could it be hot humid desert air, taking heat from Fe.
Beehive also feels like instiction to me. That's a term from another typology, an internet test we have had around. I'm not completely conscious of what that word means to me.
Extroversion arises and passes with a situation. If feeling is water, extroverted feeling should perhaps be a Gaisir (hot water fountain) or cold rain, introverted feeling is undercurrent.
Extroverted sensation is hot wandering dunes and sandstone caves, Introverted sensation is a swamp and the moss on tree bark.
I should expand my imagery. If earth can become tree bark and plants, air, water and fire can also become different things. But my understanding of chemistry is too weak.
Bringing Off topic to a whole new level.
Let's say, INTP is a bucket full of liquid hot air.
bucket=Si, hotness=Fe, Gas=instinctive dense thinking, occasional explosions=intuition. And i have heard you people take proud in not getting anywhere.
INTJ is a rocket & hydrogen bomb. propelled by fire=intuition, convicted by water=feeling, wrapped in steel=thinking. or say, it's cutting through cold air=thinking.