Redshirt who doesn't die
Re: Ideal MBTI female companion for a male INTP
Not in my experience, but I don't think I'm strongly 'I'.
No I don't. Strong Js can get lost.
Not in my experience / not in any inherent type categorical sense. I can find Fs refreshing, I can find them damn annoying. Ts who don't share the same principles as you do, are also damn annoying.
or ...
- S and N don't understand each other
- E and I are at odds with each other
Not in my experience, but I don't think I'm strongly 'I'.
- J and P need each other
No I don't. Strong Js can get lost.
- T and F desire each other
Not in my experience / not in any inherent type categorical sense. I can find Fs refreshing, I can find them damn annoying. Ts who don't share the same principles as you do, are also damn annoying.