My understanding of most medications is that they work solely by changing various things. They add or remove something. This is obvious, and can be accepted by most people as the truth. Therefore, to take medication, suggests something is wrong. Sometimes I will submit to that truth. If I have a headache, if I have a stomach ache, etc, I will take the appropriate medicine in most cases, to fix the "wrong" that is causing me pain. But when the "wrong" that comes under scrutiny is my mind, my brain, I disagree very much with changing it. Most pharmacists, psychiatrists, and other forms of doctors, will most likely tell you that Depression, as well as other mental 'problems' are caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain. To submit to depression medicine would not only be to submit to this chemical unbalance being wrong, but to submit to the changes that "fixing" this balance will cause. Although I may remain very much the same, I will be different. The brain is a picky thing, and playing with it the littlest bit can alter various traits. If you stop and think - how much of your life is based upon your pessimistic depressed view of things? What percentage of your actions are at the very least, affected by these feelings? -- I am very happy with who I am, including many of my faults. I would probably be more depressed knowing in the end, that the medication I have taken has changed me, even if only slightly, from who I truly was.