Yeah Zero, the thing is, I actually tested as INTJ after I first became interested in the MBTI. But then I read the INTP description and felt like it fit me much better. Then I tested as INTP, although having already decided I was probably INTP makes it hard to trust the result.
It seems that I have days where I feel INTP and days when I feel INTJ. One day I'm laid back, tolerant, open-minded, lazy, and VERY perceptive but with little impetus to accomplish anything. The next day I'm bossy, driven, intolerant of new ideas, and feel that I have to do SOMETHING. Also, judging from the descriptions of Ni and Ne, I seem to use both quite a bit. I also score high on both Ti and Te, and weak on Fe and Se.
I think it's possible I wanted to be INTP because it seemed to explain my laziness and lack of ambition. But maybe I'm just a failed INTJ who hasn't developed Te enough to get off my ass, or maybe it's the fact I never had anyone to push me not to be so lazy.
I suppose an easy way out of this confusion would be to modify my view of the MBTI to include a higher degree of consciousness of the 5th and 6th functions (as opposed to the 7th and 8th, which are less conscious). I think that rather than all 4 shadow functions simply being "unconscious", it makes more sense that they be incrementally more conscious moving up from the 8th. So while Fi might seem nonexistent, and Se barely there, Ni and Te might be mildly or even moderately conscious to INTPs.
Eh, just speculation though.
Also, the stupidest show on TV is Squidbillies. And I don't watch it.
lol. I actually watch that show! I agree it's very stupid, but I'm from Georgia and the show makes fun of the south. I can relate to the culture (somewhat) that the show is mocking, so it's hard to look away.
And it may not be so dumb after all. In a recent episode, Early, the main character, offered up a very pertinent philosophical question:
Men are from Mars, and women are from the ribs of that man. But where do the cheatin' whores come from? I do not know.
Ah, centuries of man's quest for knowledge has still not yet probed the origin of the cheatin' whore.