Personally, I find your lack of consideration for her privacy, among other things, in blurting out personal information such as her age that she might not entirely appreciate, to be entirely unhelpful at far more massive proportions.
I don't give a shit what she might have revealed elsewhere...that doesn't give you the right to hold her accountable after she decides to express herself apart from it as she did here.
Ironically, I'm undecided what I find more repulsive...your lack of respect for confidentiality or default responses equating to "You're 14 and haven't got a clue..."
Lol, seriously? Why don't you click on her profile and look at the information she chose to publicly display.
By the way Nocturne, this is a perfect example of poor use of Ne, Solitaire U didn't take the 30 seconds it would have required to look at your profile
on this site. He made a judgement without proper data. The fact that you're young is useful information in answering your post.
My point is not that you're young and therefor foolish. My point is that our teenage years are the perfect time to develop Ne; you're in an environment with lots of different types of people and different sources of information. We cannot be brilliant without data, and we're wired to get that data from external sources. We cannot be confident without effective use of our extroverted function. Those were two things you expressed a desire for.
I was a 14 year old INTP once; I was an awkward, off-putting loner. I remember once I was reading a book which was the 7th in a series. A cute girl came up to me and asked me what it was about. I responded that she wouldn't understand because it was the last book in a long series. It was a perfectly logical answer, but she felt I was insulting her intelligence by telling her she wouldn't understand. What I failed to understand was that she wasn't interested in the book, she was interested in
me, and what
I thought of the book. I ignored crucial bits of information because I didn't understand the purpose for her query in the first place.
Something that took me a long time to come to grips with was the realization that most of my problems in high school were because of
me, not because of other people.