please provide an example of a problem that can't be solved with logic
any problem can have component of logic, but if the only component is logic it won't work for this we need empathy to relate to people.
Women frustrate men because the want shit that don't require logic, children don't follow logic, so women don't want logical guys, because children don't get logic, but they do get emotions, then you have situations in social situation where logic is just not that important over understanding and intuition,
Any problem where experience is more than logic will require x experience, but logic won't suffice, because no amount of logic will replace experience.
Art can be logical, but ultimately the best artist follow rules of art that often don't follow logic, but aesthetic feels and stuff, and maybe somewhere there there is some hidden logic,but our brains don't know that.
A melody cannot be played by logic.
A good example are savant brains.
They have IQs of 60 or less, but do things even people with IQs 150 + cannot, where is the logic in that right?
We know woefully little about intellect of humans.
I can throw a stone and hit a bird, no logic is required.
I can run and no logic will help.
I can get into a fight and win, but logic is very rarely useful.
I can see every situation as opportunity to logic, but at the end some things require things like intuitions, empathy, and whole host of behaviors that if we approach this with logic we would be losing time.
To me logic is like having a calculator. Its one tool of many to be used.
We tend to think in theory and abstraction, but we ignore all the times we could solve problems without logic, mainly because we think its all about logic, because that is what we are told, so its hammer and everything becomes a nail.
Even riding cars, or flying planes is less about IQ and logic and more about coordinating skills.
So there is plenty jobs, and problems where logic alone is merely icing on the cake.
And who knows what if God does not use logic so much either?
Maybe its nice to have bones to fight gravity as its necessary, and a mind capable to reason well with logic, but at the end of the day, it just takes more than logic.
Now I am not trying to logic is not important. Au coutraire mon ami, we should not forget it, but let it not blind us that often times life throws curved balls at us where logic pales.