kamari rised
Imagination keeps you from insanity
What if we were meant to live at night and sleep during the day?
What if we were meant to live at night and sleep during the day?
It's a very interesting theory but if we sleep outdoors all day in an effort to photosynthesize then won't we get skin cancer? At the very least I imagine we will be very sun burned.
I have however noticed that my mind is somehow clearer at night, I always have my deepest philosophical thoughts and feel more motivated to do things. I also love the stars and the night air. If everyone else lived at night I wouldn't mind doing so.
Though it's quite possible that the 8hrs of sleep and 16 hrs of wakefulness cycle is forced on us by modern living and culture. Segmented sleep cycles could have been the historic norm.
Production of melatonin by the pineal gland is inhibited by light to the retina and permitted by darkness. Its onset each evening is called the dim-light melatonin onset (DLMO). It is principally blue light, around 460 to 480 nm, that suppresses melatonin,[32] increasingly with increased light intensity and length of exposure. Until recent history, humans in temperate climates were exposed to few hours of (blue) daylight in the winter; their fires gave predominantly yellow light. Wearing glasses that block blue light in the hours before bedtime may avoid melatonin loss. Kayumov et al. showed that light containing only wavelengths greater than 530 nm does not suppress melatonin in bright-light conditions.[33] Use of blue-blocking goggles the last hours before bedtime has also been advised for people who need to adjust to an earlier bedtime, as melatonin promotes sleepiness. [34]
When used several hours before sleep according to the phase response curve for melatonin in humans, small amounts of melatonin shift the circadian clock earlier, thus promoting earlier sleep onset and morning awakening.[35]