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Dark Fantasy Intro


It Thinks For Itself
Local time
Today 5:39 AM
Apr 12, 2010
Corpus Christi, Texas
Been wanting to start writing a story which incorporates elements of both horror and fantasy. I've begun writing a rough draft, to see if I can get a feel for the overall story. Let me know what you guys think. Constructive criticism, please.

It was over. They were now coming for him in massive numbers; their countless faces stiff, unemotional, and relentless. The only escape now was to crawl into a deep hole in the side of a large hill, desperately hoping for some form of refuge amidst the thick, gloomy fog which lay all around. Screeching violently, their cold, soulless eyes frantically pierced through the mist and the darkness like searching arrows in the bleak opaque; gathering now in large numbers, they began shooting around the entrance in swooping motions, like a swarm of millions of bees through a single opening, all lusting for the kill. It was too late. They were now closing in. The tunnel suddenly stopped at a dead end and he felt the dreadful fear surge throughout his entire body, utterly petrified of the moments yet to come. But just before the demons descended upon him with all their malice and sick, cold and lustful calculation, something happened.

“Get up, John!” rung a sudden voice, ripping through the hazy mist and terrors of a dark dream that had frequently kept the young man from peaceful sleep all night. With a look of deep fright, he suddenly shot up, sweating profusely with quick, deep pants—a mixture of both subtle relief and numbing shock, as it had all been a dream; it wasn’t real.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 5:39 AM
May 31, 2010
The redundancies bothered me. Phrases like "bleak opaque" and "utterly petrified" make me wonder if one can be somewhat petrified. I do not know if you did this on purpose, but the overblown way of describing the enemy in the first paragraph gets at that me versus them egocentrism that most frantic dreams have. Also, "lusting for the kill" is a good one.


lust for life
Local time
Today 3:39 AM
Aug 12, 2010
California, USA
It was descriptive, but I didn't feel anything.



cackling in the trenches
Local time
Today 12:39 AM
Dec 12, 2009
I agree, it was frankly too well written, a suitable style if you were writing a of poetic verse, or if your character had woken up to find themself chained and blindfolded (in which case what they're thinking/feeling is more important that what they're directly experiencing). Instead for a horror/suspense scene like this I think it's important to put your reader just behind your character's eyes, as a writer you know what's going on from the "god's eye" third perspective, and you may find it challenging to write from your character's direct perspective, but the result is much more compelling.

The question you should ask yourself is "what is my character's focus?"
Upon initially beholding the demons he will probably recognise first it as a human(oid), then notice the inhuman characteristics (perhaps the forearms are too long? Is the posture unnatural? is it clothed or naked? what colour is it?) until seeing subtle/disturbing details like their "soulless" eyes (meh, I see soulless eyes every time I look in the mirror) and it’s these small details you can be poetic about, e.g. “it looked at me with those lightless eyes, as if I were to blame for its hunger”.


It Thinks For Itself
Local time
Today 5:39 AM
Apr 12, 2010
Corpus Christi, Texas
Thanks for the advice.

Agent Intellect

Absurd Anti-hero.
Local time
Today 6:39 AM
Jul 28, 2008
This story has potential, but you have fallen into the trap that my own writing did several years ago: it comes off more like an essay explaining things than a story of things happening. Perhaps this is an INTP thing, but you are writing this like you're trying to explain all these ideas to me, like you're pitching this idea to me rather than writing it down. I've recently been going over my own novel that I wrote a few years back and seeing the exact same thing there and have been trying to correct this in my own writing. It's difficult to know you're doing this when writing it, because you have such a clear picture of it in your mind, but you need to keep the reader in mind while writing.

That being said, I hope you are thick skinned, because I have a lot of (hopefully constructive) criticism.

It was over. They were now coming for him in massive numbers; their countless faces stiff, unemotional, and relentless.

Too much telling, not enough showing. Starting a story with the line "It was over" is both vague (what "it" is exactly over?) and doesn't catch attention. I suggest starting with action, and remember to appeal to the five senses. Try something like (off the top of my head):

Thunderous footsteps reverberated through his body as the earth seized beneath his feet, causing the jagged stones to dig into his flesh. John huddled against the wall in the shade of the tunnel, the smell of cinder wafting coldly over his trembling body, praying to whoever may be listening that it would supply enough refuge from the relentless soldiers.

Now, I'm not going to say that what I wrote is genius (or even that it portrays exactly what you imagined), but what I attempted to do was:
1. Show the reader what the character is sensing. Try to appeal to all 5 senses (what is the character feeling (footsteps, jagged stones)? Smelling (cinder)? Hearing (thunderous footsteps)? etc)
2. Establish the setting right away, so the reader can picture this happening.
3. Do as much as possible with as few adjectives as possible. One verb is worth a hundred adjectives.

The only escape now was to crawl into a deep hole in the side of a large hill, desperately hoping for some form of refuge amidst the thick, gloomy fog which lay all around.

Once again, telling me what the only escape is doesn't interest me. Show me that this is the characters only option. Have them desperately try to escape and I, as the reader, will pick up on the fact that this is their only escape.

Screeching violently,

How is this screeching affecting the character? Maybe try something like: The violent screeches tore at Johns ears and clung to his thoughts like venomous spiders.

their cold, soulless eyes frantically pierced through the mist and the darkness like searching arrows in the bleak opaque;

I think it was Kurt Vonnegut who said that a book should never use a semicolon. I generally find this good advice, as semicolons give off the atmosphere of technical writing.

Also, as Snafupants said, the redundant explanations (cold soulless eyes, bleak opaque) only slow down the action.

gathering now in large numbers, they began shooting around the entrance in swooping motions, like a swarm of millions of bees through a single opening, all lusting for the kill.

The questions that come to my mind at this point is: where is this character? How is he seeing all of this? How does he know that this is all going on? I don't get a good sense of where this character is, what their situations is like, or what the setting is like that all this is taking place.

It was too late.

Just like your first sentence, this one is far too vague and ultimately adds nothing to the story. If you paint the picture of it being too late (showing me how close these screeching soldiers are from the characters POV) then as the reader I can pick up on how it was too late without you having to explicitly tell me that it's too late.

They were now closing in.

How close are they? How does this affect the main character? What is the character actually sensing (5 senses)?

The tunnel suddenly stopped at a dead end and he felt the dreadful fear surge throughout his entire body,

"the dreadful fear" is sort of strange wording. Also, once again, as Snafupants pointed out, dreadful fear is sort of redundant. Try something more concrete like: the end of the tunnel materialized mockingly from the shadows as fear bubbled up from the pit of johns stomach and rampaged through him like a swarm of insects.

utterly petrified of the moments yet to come. But just before the demons descended upon him with all their malice and sick, cold and lustful calculation, something happened.

Once again, a lot of redundancies. Show me the demons malice, don't just say they have malice - that's too abstract. Creative writing (non-technical writing) should be concrete, so that I can get into the character, so I can empathize with them and feel what they are feeling.

“Get up, John!” rung a sudden voice, ripping through the hazy mist and terrors of a dark dream that had frequently kept the young man from peaceful sleep all night.

That's a lot of information put into one sentence. You could use a lot of dialogue (much more interesting to read) to establish that this is a dream that John had a lot and that it causes him a lot of grief. Also, the description of the dream has already established that it was dark and hazy, it doesn't need to be reiterated here.

With a look of deep fright, he suddenly shot up, sweating profusely with quick, deep pants—a mixture of both subtle relief and numbing shock,

This would have been a good sentence to put right after "Get up, John!"


"Get up, John!"
With a look of deep fright, he suddenly shot up, sweating profusely with quick, deep pants—a mixture of both subtle relief and numbing shock...

This starts us off with some action and helps maintain interest, rather than giving us the info dump in your original version.

as it had all been a dream; it wasn’t real.

This is redundant. The reader can already pick up on the fact that it was a dream when we saw that John woke up.


It Thinks For Itself
Local time
Today 5:39 AM
Apr 12, 2010
Corpus Christi, Texas
Very great points, AI. I appreciate the very constructive criticism.
I'm still pretty new at this, so I've lots to learn still.

And I do think INTP's tend to be a bit too technical and conceptually descriptive with their creative writing, so that there's no real story to follow, but just a bundle of ideas being discussed rather than shown.

With that in mind, I'll definitely try to experiment with the advice you've given. Thanks.


It Thinks For Itself
Local time
Today 5:39 AM
Apr 12, 2010
Corpus Christi, Texas
Took your advice into account, experimented a bit, and came up with the following, AI:

Gasping for air, Jason wasn't sure if his legs would hold out any longer, with hot sweat now beginning to cover his face. With every laborious movement over the grassy terrain, he could hear the lustful screams surging from behind, growing ever louder as he fled through a fog like some helpless prey from a pack of wild hounds. But these were no hounds. In hot pursuit, a great number of faceless phantoms eagerly clawed the air, hot on his tail, attempting to find a grip on at least one single piece of flesh. Without stumbling, Jason glanced at his watch and gave a look of deep shock, wondering if the extensive chase would ever end.
What do you think?


Pensive Poster
Local time
Today 5:39 AM
Oct 6, 2010
I actually like your first attempt much more. I was really into it, and my only critique is that I actually wanted it to drag on a bit more. It felt a little bit rushed, but I genuinely got into everything that was said. Your second attempt comes off dry and calculated to me, whereas the first one moves me along and compels me. In short, I disagree with the other criticisms in this thread.

The question, I suppose, is how do you feel? Are you writing for me, for the others here, or for yourself?

Edit: To address my concern of the first attempt being "rushed", I would suggest that you work on describing how the character is feeling a bit more. Build up the dread and show us how the character is thinking himself into terror as the darkness descends upon him. That's what I would have liked to read more about in that scene.

Agent Intellect

Absurd Anti-hero.
Local time
Today 6:39 AM
Jul 28, 2008
Gasping for air, Jason wasn't sure if his legs would hold out any longer, with hot sweat now beginning to cover his face. With every laborious movement over the grassy terrain, he could hear the lustful screams surging from behind, growing ever louder as he fled through a fog like some helpless prey from a pack of wild hounds. But these were no hounds. In hot pursuit, a great number of faceless phantoms eagerly clawed the air, hot on his tail, attempting to find a grip on at least one single piece of flesh. Without stumbling, Jason glanced at his watch and gave a look of deep shock, wondering if the extensive chase would ever end.

What do you think?

For me, I like to put the description right into the action. For something like "...hot sweat now beginning to cover his face" I would indicate that sweat is covering his face in the action, maybe like: "...wiping the sweat away from his face, Jason struggled for every parched breath that drove into his lungs like a sword."

Think about this sentence:
"...he could hear the lustful screams surging from behind, growing ever louder..."
and in my version (off the top of my head):
"...lustful screams surged from behind and assaulted Jason's senses..."
I would add more to it, but think about the way it's worded compared to the way you wrote yours. They're very similar, but yours seems more passive, where mine leads with what's happening, making it seem more action-oriented, and uses verbs instead of adjectives (the sound assaulted his ears, rather than be described as loud; the reader can pick up on the fact that it's loud by the description of it assaulting Jason's senses).

"...he fled through a fog like some helpless prey from a pack of wild hounds."
I like the use of metaphor/simile. It's a great way of doing description that doesn't seem stale or hackneyed. However, it seems like this simile doesn't fit the description of fog. If he is fleeing through fog, then it would be better to have the simile reflect that it's foggy. Think of something that moves through fog, and try to word it to reflect Jason's desperation. Off the top of my head: "...he fled through the hanging fog like a dying whisper."

Beware of phrases like:
"In hot pursuit..."
"...hot on his tail..."
These are overused phrases that have essentially lost all of their meaning: to say that someone/something is in hot pursuit doesn't add anything to the word pursuit because putting hot on it has been done so often that it's lost it's descriptive power and just comes off as a cliche.

This sentence:
"...a great number of faceless phantoms..."
doesn't work. Using the phrase "a great number" is descriptively boring. I'd try something like "...a host of faceless phantoms..." or even "...an endless sea of faceless phantoms..."

This line:
"...attempting to find a grip on at least one single piece of flesh."
seems very wordy for something that could be said with better imagery. Maybe something like: "...ravenous hands thrashed hungrily through the air for Jason's flesh."

Right here:
"Without stumbling..."
why not have him stumble? It would be an opportunity to add both excitement and a moment of realism to the story that the reader could relate to (we all know how much it sucks to stumble, and it would suck even more in Jason's situation).

"...Jason glanced at his watch and gave a look of deep shock..."
I probably would have written this more like: "...panic washed over Jason's fatigue-saturated body when he saw his watch..."

Anyway, I don't mean to try and rewrite the story for you, what I'm suggesting are more ideas about ways to to word it. Keeping the action moving is important, particularly in action scenes - if someone is just walking through a town or a forest, you can feel more free to be descriptive (and in fact, it's a good thing, because it helps add to the atmosphere rather than just saying that so-and-so walked through the town) but if it's an action scene, then you can't slow down the action.

The story should read the same way that it's happening, which means A) keeping up the atmosphere (eg with things like having the simile reflect the setting), B) keeping adjectives to a minimum and sentences short (one good technique is to have a couple average sized sentences followed by short, three word sentences), and C) adding moments of realism, like the stumbling - things like that really helps the reader to get into the characters shoes, allowing the reader to almost feel themselves stumbling.


Bring this savage back home.
Local time
Today 6:39 AM
Sep 19, 2010

I clicked the link thinking someone wrote something about me :D.

On a more serious note, it seems you are telling the story instead of showing it. There seems to be too much thought put into each thing. I would prefer a story to unfold and bring me into the experience instead of observing it through the outside.

Try re-writing it while bringing the reader into the experience.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 3:39 AM
Aug 17, 2009
California, USA
Keep writing. Finish your story, and then go back and rewrite a bunch of times.

You have done the three things that writers have to do. You wrote something, and then showed it to people, and then rewrote based on their feedback. That takes both hard work, and courage.

I agree with some of the others that it has too much exposition, and you would do well to vary the sentence length a bit more. Use shorter words when you want more of an impact. But all of that pales beside the fact that you wrote it and posted it. You can correct all of that when you rewrite. Just keep writing and keep posting.

(Oh, I liked the second version better.)
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