I noticed recently that in my High School nearly all of the students write in print. While I have no problem with this it kind of makes me sad in a way. Cursive is like a dying breed. I write mostly in cursive. Most of the older teachers I have write in it too. Most kids can write their names in cursive and thats about it. Just recently I was tutoring some middle schoolers and I was writing normally(in cursive) and they couldn't read my hand writing at all. In fact when I asked them about it I found out that they were never even taught how to write in cursive. Thats how I found out that cursive is out of the curriculum in my district. I mean its not like teaching it to the kids is a burden. If anything it should be taught to promote dexterity. Most of the kids in the younger generations have pretty bad handwriting. This kind of fits in together with the fact that most kids in my High School can't really do arithmetic either. Most can't do long division by hand or multiply numbers that are greater than the times table. It makes me kind of sad. But i guess this is just society moving on. Do any of you notice any other little differences in society from the time you were younger? This would be especially good to know from older members.