When overcoming a fear of putting your skills out there for criticism, what does it take to get you over the hurdle?
I was thinking about this in-depth last night. I feel as though my skills are never really complete, and so to put them out there I'd always be putting them out prematurely. This is also the source of my procrastination; when in school I'd always wait until the last second to choose a stance on a paper and then just spill out out in a couple hours. How can someone pick a single view? I think this is where having deadlines helped me - I had to do something and whatever came out was something that I wasn't entirely dedicated to. If I ever do anything it's only because I have to.
Is it finally feeling the inner confidence that you'll succeed, or is it having the courage to do it regardless?
Is your approach linked to your attitude to failure? ie. does failure represent an identity-crushing disaster (therefore making any effort high risk) or is your sense of self more independent from any negative consequences of trying?
For me, I don't really know what it means to succeed; I've only ever had the vague goal of doing what I've had to. Failure to me is that succeeding is pointless, and not the fact that I fail at anything I try. Unfortunately, I always come back to any action I do ultimately being pointless!
I know I can succeed at anything, but really for me it's a matter of finding the motivation. To act on something I have to find the courage to do it despite the fear that success doesn't really matter. That said, I'm trying to live life
actively instead of
passively, and what I've learned is that to put anything out there it's some sort of mixture of the two.
To do this, I need to create games for myself whenever I do anything. When I create a game for a situation (writing a paper, making music, figuring out how to communicate with someone) it takes the entire point out of it. Anything I do becomes fun and exciting when I create some parameters to work within.
Put another way: to what extent is your personal self invested in your actions or products, and how does this influence your approach to creativity/expression?
I have to detach somewhat to get anything done. I value truth, and since truth is something that I'm ever inching forward, I am never happy with my present work. I'm embarrassed and feel guilty whenever I listen to music I've created.
I found a solution, however. Has anyone here ever heard of
Crap Art? It's something that I stumbled upon about a month ago, and one of the reasons I was looking into personality type so seriously. The person behind Crap art and specifically "
Album-A-Day" is INTP, which I found out by listening to one of his songs, simply titled
"INTP". While I'm not a fan of his musicianship, the lyrics are pretty great.
"I don't know what's goin on. N, I hardly wrote this song. INTP, call meyers-briggs please. It's not an emergency, it's just my personality. T is for 'thinks he's dumb'.."
The idea is so perfect for this thread that I dare quote the premise:
[FONT=Verdana,Sans Serif]
Album-a-Day is a Crap Art project. That means that it's a set of constraints (the rules below) which are meant to help you be creative. There are no special requirements to participate, and no expectations of quality. Embarking on the Album-a-Day project is a significant commitment of time, but I've found that it's pretty fun and rewarding! [/FONT] [FONT=Verdana,Sans Serif]
To create an Album-a-Day, you record a piece of music following these rules: [/FONT]
- [FONT=Verdana,Sans Serif][SIZE=-1]It must be written, performed, recorded, post-produced, etc. all in one contiguous 24-hour period (preferably with no sleep break in there). [/SIZE][/FONT]
- [FONT=Verdana,Sans Serif][SIZE=-1] It must be at least 20 minutes or 30 songs. (many short songs tend to work better than long songs which drag on forever, trust me.) [/SIZE][/FONT]
- [FONT=Verdana,Sans Serif][SIZE=-1] Your band may have multiple participants, but they should not work on different songs simultaneously. (So just one song being worked on at a time.) [/SIZE][/FONT]
- [FONT=Verdana,Sans Serif][SIZE=-1] No ideas from before the chosen day! This means covers or reinterpretations are not allowed. [/SIZE][/FONT]
- [FONT=Verdana,Sans Serif][SIZE=-1] No out-takes! If you start a song, finish it and put it on the album. [/SIZE][/FONT]
I haven't done one yet, but mark my words.. it's
possible that I'll work up the motivation to do it. Maybe.
I've found that I'm only able to do anything I'm proud of when I trust my intuition to guide me and there are no real expectations and no reason to do it in the first place. Which is why the song I wrote about my dog is one of the few songs I can listen to without cringing. As well as seemingly meaningless songs about Katamari Damacy or the many uses for paper.
And so, to respond to a very important letter I freeze up because I want to impact someone the way they've impacted me. They deserve no less, but in the end receive nothing.
I am prevaricating on something right now because I don't feel I have the energy to cope if it doesn't work out.
Thank you for introducing me to this word.