Agent Intellect
Absurd Anti-hero.
It's a futile task, but there is no reason not to try: I want to describe the subjective of experience of being a conscious, sentient being. I am of the opinion that subjective experience is not exactly the same for everybody. I think different personalities and people of different intelligence experience consciousness in very different ways. First, I am going to make a loose hierarchy of how I see the subjective experience:
The sense that there is a self to whom thoughts and perceptions belong. It is "I" that owns the thoughts that occur to me. This is the a priori sense that when events occur, they are occurring for/to me and not someone else. It is a first person experience for which I am the one to whom these experiences are happening.
Sensing the non-self via the senses (sight, sound, smell, tactile, taste, balance). The organism is oriented to their current situation through their perception of it. An organism can sense something but be unaware that there is a self to whom these sensations are occurring to (similar to blindsightedness).
The sense that an emotion is being experienced by me. An emotion can be described in how it is displayed to the external world, and I may not even be aware of this emotion, but a feeling is my awareness that I am the proprietor of this emotion.
Core Consciousness:
The sense of self-in-the-world. Consciousness is the self (identity) in relation with the non-self, and my core consciousness is the fundamental sense of myself (identity) having a relationship with the world through perceptions of that which isn't me but that belong to me. Core consciousness is the unspoken, non-linguistic narrative of events in the world as they occur to me in the present, where I (my identity) is the protagonist. This is something many organisms possess.
Extended Consciousness:
Being conscious of the mental arena. Extended consciousness is how I can recall memories, it's how I can place mental representations to symbols (a person to a name). Extended consciousness is being conscious of this internal, non-symbolized thought. If I say the word "rock" you know the existing object that the word "rock" symbolizes.
This goes beyond knowing. Knowing is the apprehension of a fact; understanding is the internal synthesis of this knowledge with my own consciousness. Understanding is moving past the symbol shunting of John Searle's Chinese Room to being inseparable from the meaning of the symbols - the symbols become meaningful. By understanding something, my very identity is changed on a fundamental level - I can identify with the knowledge that is understood, even if I disagree with it's meaning.
Internally (mentally) "zooming in" on salient information or perceptions; dedicating cognitive processing power to to a more focused or smaller subset or a larger concept. This is the negation of everything within a conceptual set in order to make mentally salient only particular things from a set - it's going from thinking in broad, general, or abstract down to thinking in particular, concrete, or specific.
The ability to make connections. I can conceptualize the relationship between two things using intuition. By understanding the isomorphisms between two or more objects/phenomena/events/concepts I can relate them and use this relationship to synthesize new conceptual frameworks (what might be considered Ni) or make conceptual leaps to novel concepts (what might be considered Ne).
While I would liken Intuition to making connections in the real world about real facts/observations, Imagination is both making connections internally and generating novel counterfactual mental schema. Interestingly, imagination is what I would consider to be where the mental hierarchy loops back down for humans. When we are interacting with our surroundings, it requires imagination to complete the mental framework of our surroundings - I am aware of things in my room that I'm not actively sensing because my imagination can construct things that, subjectively speaking, I don't even know they are still existing right now. Imagination is how I can throw my consciousness around - even at home, I can imagine myself at school, I can take an imaginary walk through the parking ramp or the library without actually being there. Imagination is how I can experience the completed world while I'm not currently experiencing it.
Here is what I find interesting about subjective experience: think of someone who is a genius. I'm not sure how many people here have ever had the chance to actually talk to someone who is a genius. There are people who can hold several discussions at a time and be able to mentally engage in all of them; there are people who can become fluent in a new language over the course of a month; there are people who can sit down at a piano and music just "magically" forms in their mind; there are people who can read a scientific paper and come up with 5 new experimental ideas.
My point is, how reasonable does it seem that someone like this, and someone of low (or even average) intelligence have a subjective experience that are anywhere close to equivalent?
Or how about two people of very different personalities? I was just noticing today the difference between me and my dad. He is a construction worker, and because of the economy he sometimes doesn't have any work to do. When this happens, he finds a bunch of other things to do; when I have a day off, I spend it in front of my computer reading and generally not saying physically very busy. I've also noticed that there are things I won't even notice that are very salient to him - the mess in my car is almost invisible to me (mentally) but he can't help but notice.
Aside from the fact that different subjectivities belong to different people, could they be said to be equivalent? By this I mean that, you and I can both have a computer, they can be the same make and model, and even though they are different things-in-themselves, they are equivalent in how they process information, in what their function is etc. Is subjectivity the same?
It would seem to me that me and my dad have very different computers. Most people assume that when they say they are happy, that someone else knows what they mean by happy because they can empathize with it - your happiness and my happiness are equivalent, even if they belong to different people. But can something like understanding, or attention, or intuitition as defined above be experienced the same between a genius and an idiot, or an INTP and an ISTJ? If a genius understands a simple concept, and an idiot understands the same simple concept, is their understanding of this same simple concept experienced equivalently between the two?
Could the foundations of empathy and human understanding even be comprehensible if mental states are not equivalent between any two people? If happiness by one person is experienced differently, how can I say that I understand how they feel?
Maybe none of this makes any sense, or maybe I'm over-complicating something that's trivial and simple, but it's just something I've been thinking about, and I know how much you all wanted to scroll past a wall-o-text before deciding it's too long and hitting the back button (I understand how you feel!)
The sense that there is a self to whom thoughts and perceptions belong. It is "I" that owns the thoughts that occur to me. This is the a priori sense that when events occur, they are occurring for/to me and not someone else. It is a first person experience for which I am the one to whom these experiences are happening.
Sensing the non-self via the senses (sight, sound, smell, tactile, taste, balance). The organism is oriented to their current situation through their perception of it. An organism can sense something but be unaware that there is a self to whom these sensations are occurring to (similar to blindsightedness).
The sense that an emotion is being experienced by me. An emotion can be described in how it is displayed to the external world, and I may not even be aware of this emotion, but a feeling is my awareness that I am the proprietor of this emotion.
Core Consciousness:
The sense of self-in-the-world. Consciousness is the self (identity) in relation with the non-self, and my core consciousness is the fundamental sense of myself (identity) having a relationship with the world through perceptions of that which isn't me but that belong to me. Core consciousness is the unspoken, non-linguistic narrative of events in the world as they occur to me in the present, where I (my identity) is the protagonist. This is something many organisms possess.
Extended Consciousness:
Being conscious of the mental arena. Extended consciousness is how I can recall memories, it's how I can place mental representations to symbols (a person to a name). Extended consciousness is being conscious of this internal, non-symbolized thought. If I say the word "rock" you know the existing object that the word "rock" symbolizes.
This goes beyond knowing. Knowing is the apprehension of a fact; understanding is the internal synthesis of this knowledge with my own consciousness. Understanding is moving past the symbol shunting of John Searle's Chinese Room to being inseparable from the meaning of the symbols - the symbols become meaningful. By understanding something, my very identity is changed on a fundamental level - I can identify with the knowledge that is understood, even if I disagree with it's meaning.
Internally (mentally) "zooming in" on salient information or perceptions; dedicating cognitive processing power to to a more focused or smaller subset or a larger concept. This is the negation of everything within a conceptual set in order to make mentally salient only particular things from a set - it's going from thinking in broad, general, or abstract down to thinking in particular, concrete, or specific.
The ability to make connections. I can conceptualize the relationship between two things using intuition. By understanding the isomorphisms between two or more objects/phenomena/events/concepts I can relate them and use this relationship to synthesize new conceptual frameworks (what might be considered Ni) or make conceptual leaps to novel concepts (what might be considered Ne).
While I would liken Intuition to making connections in the real world about real facts/observations, Imagination is both making connections internally and generating novel counterfactual mental schema. Interestingly, imagination is what I would consider to be where the mental hierarchy loops back down for humans. When we are interacting with our surroundings, it requires imagination to complete the mental framework of our surroundings - I am aware of things in my room that I'm not actively sensing because my imagination can construct things that, subjectively speaking, I don't even know they are still existing right now. Imagination is how I can throw my consciousness around - even at home, I can imagine myself at school, I can take an imaginary walk through the parking ramp or the library without actually being there. Imagination is how I can experience the completed world while I'm not currently experiencing it.
Here is what I find interesting about subjective experience: think of someone who is a genius. I'm not sure how many people here have ever had the chance to actually talk to someone who is a genius. There are people who can hold several discussions at a time and be able to mentally engage in all of them; there are people who can become fluent in a new language over the course of a month; there are people who can sit down at a piano and music just "magically" forms in their mind; there are people who can read a scientific paper and come up with 5 new experimental ideas.
My point is, how reasonable does it seem that someone like this, and someone of low (or even average) intelligence have a subjective experience that are anywhere close to equivalent?
Or how about two people of very different personalities? I was just noticing today the difference between me and my dad. He is a construction worker, and because of the economy he sometimes doesn't have any work to do. When this happens, he finds a bunch of other things to do; when I have a day off, I spend it in front of my computer reading and generally not saying physically very busy. I've also noticed that there are things I won't even notice that are very salient to him - the mess in my car is almost invisible to me (mentally) but he can't help but notice.
Aside from the fact that different subjectivities belong to different people, could they be said to be equivalent? By this I mean that, you and I can both have a computer, they can be the same make and model, and even though they are different things-in-themselves, they are equivalent in how they process information, in what their function is etc. Is subjectivity the same?
It would seem to me that me and my dad have very different computers. Most people assume that when they say they are happy, that someone else knows what they mean by happy because they can empathize with it - your happiness and my happiness are equivalent, even if they belong to different people. But can something like understanding, or attention, or intuitition as defined above be experienced the same between a genius and an idiot, or an INTP and an ISTJ? If a genius understands a simple concept, and an idiot understands the same simple concept, is their understanding of this same simple concept experienced equivalently between the two?
Could the foundations of empathy and human understanding even be comprehensible if mental states are not equivalent between any two people? If happiness by one person is experienced differently, how can I say that I understand how they feel?
Maybe none of this makes any sense, or maybe I'm over-complicating something that's trivial and simple, but it's just something I've been thinking about, and I know how much you all wanted to scroll past a wall-o-text before deciding it's too long and hitting the back button (I understand how you feel!)