Whenever I have money these days, I've found myself buying graphic novels. I definitely want to read that Kubacki series Noddy (though I'm not sure if you visit here anymore) but here's a few more to add to people's contribution:
The Boulevard of Broken Dreams - I really enjoyed this comic, but I think it might be a love or hate thing. It had an incredibly busy 1930s animation style, which I think has received mixed reviews. This is a typical example:
It does fit the theme, in the end.
It tells the story of the early history of animation, as told around a few of the defining animators of the period. Ted - as indisposed in the picture above - acquires an imaginary friend early in his life. When he finally draws him, to show to those who can't see him, he creates a character which defines his career in animation as well as heading the company that he and most of the main characters works for. Waldo the Cat also ends up haunting him and blurring the lines between reality and animation in his life, which in pictures such as the above is quite visually dominant in the story.
It is very non-linear, focusing around a few events which are re-told from different perspectives throughout the story. I can't describe it very well, I just thought it was quite impressive. I got it last night and I had finished it by lunch today (it's 160 pages) I will definitely need to re-read it, but it just goes to show that it is quite an addictive read.
Another I am really surprised has not already been mentioned is
Art Spiegelman's "Maus". It might just be that my university's history department is quite heavily focused on Jewish studies, but it is at least very well known here.
The above picture might be a bit telling, but Maus is a biographical account of a Jew's experience of Nazi Germany and the Holocaust. The narrators are in the contemporary present, Art Spiegelman himself is interviewing his Father who tells all of the story that is set in the past. Both of these stories I have mentioned are meant to be histories, by the way.
I remember watching Tarantino's "Inglorious Basterds" a few weeks back, in the very first scene a Nazi officer describes Germans as Eagles and the Jews as rats in hiding. Maus kind of takes this to a literal racial level in the comic. The Poles are pigs, Jews are rats, Germans are cats and the Americans are dogs. While quite amusing in a "food chain" way - The cats chase the rats, the dogs chase the cats - it portrays, in quite a controversial way, an age-old tradition of anti-semitism of physically distancing Jewish people from the rest of society.
I feel this song best represents what I mean, I don't really need to describe it to be honest:
If You Could See Her From My Eyes‏ - YouTube
But yeah, very provoking. A fascinating character profile as well, but you'd have to read it to know what I mean, I don't want to include spoilers.
I'd really like to hear of some more good comics from people. I'm surprised this thread isn't more popular, as Anthile implied in the OP, I would have thought an under-appreciated medium such as graphic novels would appeal to the INTP.
I just got "Palestine" by Joe Sacco, but more on that once I've read it..