Even a mean person is trying their best, right?
Much like when we try to look for the seat of consciousness and recognize it as an ever expanding event horizon which we can only conceptualize as a single thing, the journey of self-discovery as a project, has no end.
I'm not sure what I expected, and I'm not sure if I'm disappointed or not. Life may be boring if it were any other way.
There is a strange predicament we come across then, when applying any one analytical framework.
We must understand ourselves in relation to something finite and any attempt to make that understanding meta-contextual is going to need adjustments.
If I may indulge in a personal anecdote, I knew a while ago that my intellectualism is mainly a coping strategy, that I can "add" to a corpus of understanding I have, that I can chase that one steel-manned conception of something and be happy with it. As I have approached what I think is a dead end to that regard, I can see it something that is just a act of homeostasis. Because what else can I do to the demons in my mind besides undermine them cognitively, if even just for a day where I spend most of my time daydreaming about such issues.
I have threaded this ground multiple times. I even tried to be poetic and since, I really haven't been able to one up myself, or rather I haven't really tried to.
It seems that ignorance in some regard is bliss. In some regard all you do is discover how you are broken on this journey, but in another regard you may come to find pride in who you are. To see that in all the events in life you respond to, that when it comes down to it, you responded in a constructive way as best you could.
I suppose I have fallen out of love with the hunt for high concept self-discovery. Maybe it's diminishing returns, maybe it was a sunk-cost till now. I wonder how I will respond next, once I successfully let go of the idea. It is all I can do, wonder..
I'm not sure what I expected, and I'm not sure if I'm disappointed or not. Life may be boring if it were any other way.
There is a strange predicament we come across then, when applying any one analytical framework.
We must understand ourselves in relation to something finite and any attempt to make that understanding meta-contextual is going to need adjustments.
If I may indulge in a personal anecdote, I knew a while ago that my intellectualism is mainly a coping strategy, that I can "add" to a corpus of understanding I have, that I can chase that one steel-manned conception of something and be happy with it. As I have approached what I think is a dead end to that regard, I can see it something that is just a act of homeostasis. Because what else can I do to the demons in my mind besides undermine them cognitively, if even just for a day where I spend most of my time daydreaming about such issues.
I have threaded this ground multiple times. I even tried to be poetic and since, I really haven't been able to one up myself, or rather I haven't really tried to.
It seems that ignorance in some regard is bliss. In some regard all you do is discover how you are broken on this journey, but in another regard you may come to find pride in who you are. To see that in all the events in life you respond to, that when it comes down to it, you responded in a constructive way as best you could.
‘Tis Better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all
I suppose I have fallen out of love with the hunt for high concept self-discovery. Maybe it's diminishing returns, maybe it was a sunk-cost till now. I wonder how I will respond next, once I successfully let go of the idea. It is all I can do, wonder..