Without being sure what existence is,saying you have existence isn't really saying anything meaningful at all.
So you exist,but what is exist?if you can not be sure of it you are stuck to the same problem.What are you saying be saying you exist?
Where?what is I?if all the world is illusion what exist is?
Like I just said: To exist is to be, instead of only appearing to be (and also instead of not appearing to be, of course).
If I look at you, I cannot be sure of whether you are or merely appear to be. You could be a figment of my imagination. And there is no way to prove that you are not. In other words, I don't know whether you are external to me, or merely an internal construct in my mind without any external representation.
But when I focus on my own thoughts, I know that they are a figment of my imagination. This inherently means that my imagination exists, which also means that I exist. I am, and I don't merely appear to be, as evident by my conscious awareness of my own thoughts.