This particular part of the discussion no longer pertains to the OP. Could it please be moved to the witch-hunt thread? If we do manage to settle the differences (lol pseudopuns) between Scorpio and myself we could then come back armed with that information to tackle Jung.
Mods haven't moved it yet. I do believe that it is pertinent. So for the time being, I'll continue, i.e. can't be asked to start a new thread. If you want to, you can.
I was withdrawing all speculation as to your type in light of the evidence you provided. You may have a type, but I am clueless as to what it is.
Not really necessary. In order to type other people, I had to question a lot of assumptions made about the way that the brain works in relation to MBTI. When I did that, I found that a lot of what is assumed about the brain that is in relation to MBTI, seems to contradict scientific discoveries about the brain, and seems to contradict basic questions that we can all ask about how we think.
Whoah you sure like to complicate things. This is an unexpected direction. I’m sorry I’m having difficulty even comprehending what you mean.
What is the purpose of the smart/stupid distinction? That’s just a point of comparison right?
It's a division that many people often make about people in general, that some are smart, and some are stupid. Generally, MBTI fans who type themselves as Intuitives, tend to regard Sensors as stupid and themselves as smart. They then go on to make fun of anything that other people do, and anything that the person personally doesn't understand, as something that only Sensors would do, and also something that is utterly ridiculous to do under any circumstances.
Personally, I find such attitudes rather parochial, conservative, and rather trivially inane, because it's just an egotistic way to justify one's own behaviour, and to justify mocking anything that differs with one's own behaviour, without any true justification for one's behaviour, or if it's consistent with Sensors worldwide, or if it's inconsistent with Intuitives worldwide, which often, it isn't.
Effectively, it's just shoe-horning MBTI to fit in with one's existing POV, including one's existing biases. It's not learning about MBTI at all.
What is the relevance of the class system? Isn’t the class system in the terms you’ve described it very much still a thing?
Same as the above. It's the same sorts of thinking that we see as common in the Medieval Age, that modernists claim that we've rejected. Abstracting the concepts, we're still thinking the same ways, only we're just dressing it up in different jargon and different behaviours that are more applicable to the modern age.
Same problem as above.
Are you implying that I am acting from a self-proclaimed position of established authority to dictate who is and isn’t an INTP?
Not deliberately. But when one describes MBTI only in ways that fit in with those medieval assumptions, then it's forcing everyone to be understood only in terms of those medieval paradigms.
If one is to be objective, one needs to outline all of the ideas upon which one bases one's understanding of MBTI, and question each and every one.
How does it follow from the abolishment of the class system that a particular brand of pseudoscience can’t categorise people according to their intelligence, the direction of their attention, or the area of their interests? How are these concepts wrong?
The class system was based on the notion that most are as stupid as animals that are unable to control their most base impulses in the interests of a better life, and that a minority were super-intelligent beings who were super-intelligent due to some property that was inherent to their nature. It was that notion that dictated that the super-intelligent Aristocracy should dictated the every decision of the supposedly-stupid Proletariat.
The breakup of the class system was in large part based on the principle that the above was incorrect, that the Aristocracy only appeared to be smart, because they had an education that trained them to be competent at certain cognitive skills, that were in turn considered the measure of intelligence. The Proletariat thus only appeared to be stupid, because of a lack of education in those areas. That was then an impetus for public education, to correct the imbalance, under the presumption that that correction would in time, show that all the classes were roughly equal in intelligence.
The S/N division seems to be treated the same way by people who say they are intuitives. But according to the reasons for the dismantling of the class system, we're all equal. We don't have the right to say that Sensors are in any way, shape or form, less intelligent than Intuitives, any more or less than we have the right to say that about African-americans. We can say that they are "differently intelligent", but not "less intelligent".
Are you saying that I was saying that sensers, extroverts, and feelers aren’t interested in science and can’t think clearly? Is this derived from…
Because it does follow from
[no sensor thinks only in the abstract]
[I think only in the abstract]
[I am not a senser]
You seemed to be implying that.
But it does not follow from these premises and conclusions that
[no senser can think in the abstract]
Even amongst those who are of the opinion that Sensors are monumentally stupid morons who can only do as they are told, they'll still admit that there might be some exceptions to the rule.
If this is what you are inferring to be my position then you are mistaken.
If it's still your "general rule", then it takes some explanation as to how it does not look like a modern-day revisionism of the medieval smart/stupid dichotomy, re-framed in terms of today's lifestyle.
As for …
If we assume I was saying that they couldn’t think or science, how does this follow?
Same was as all those people who say that most people can't understand science, and need to be told what to do by scientists, and so advocate a Technocracy.
I can find a lot of ways. What way would you prefer?
I don't want to tell you what conclusions to reach. That would be unfair. Your answer might be just as accurate as my own. I'm open, so long as it conforms roughly to what Jung wrote about Sensors and Intuitives, and conforms to give a reasonable explanation of many of the common behaviours associated with both groups, and is consistent with scientific experimental results, although it doesn't have to match their theories, and, most importantly, it doesn't fall into the genetic fallacy that some people are just born smart, and the rest are born stupid. At least, not until we have a solid biological proof that I can't find any fault with.
Could we err… just conclude that I’m less intuitive than you already
If you want, although I can't say for sure if that's true or not.
and start communicating ideas more concisely?
There we might have a problem. In school, I was going to fail, because I'd write down the answers, without the working out, which invigilators would have seen as cheating. I was forced to explain myself at length. Even into my 30s, people would say that when others when from A to B to C to D, I would just go straight from A to D. So you might find me confusing, if I'm so concise that I lose clarity.
No offense, but it feels like at this rate this discussion will be decided by attrition rather than reason. If every time you say something I need to unpack a string of inference and how it pertains to social class theory and intelligence, we’ll be here a long time.
Seems to be an inherent problem in 99% of MBTI discussions.
As for clarifying my own position:
I am not saying sensers can’t intuit, I’m saying that I rarely sense. Extroverted sensing is completely out of the question, and while one can infer Si from a preoccupation with reality, my preoccupation is with discerning fantasy from reality. I rarely look to history or experience comparative to other people, and I have little patience for facts unrelated to my current goal. I am far more interested in the possible and fantastical than the actual, but I take great issue when the possible is proclaimed the actual without evidence.
Oh. OK. I hear you. So you are saying that you don't mind people saying that space elevators are possible, but you don't like it when people say they are certainly do-able without clear proof? I'm with you on that one, except that I also extend that to popular ideologically-based theories about religions, atheism, libertarianism and other ideologically-based arguments. I don't trust self-interest. Too much tendency for bias.
Other than this particular facet of my personality, do you have other reasons for thinking me a senser?
Not particularly.
But one thing really does bug me: believing in supernatural beings, does not seem to be directly empirical by nature, and defy what our senses show us, but seem readily grasped intuitively, which suggests that religions were the product of, and most easily understood by, the minds of intuitive types, particularly intuitive-dominants.
Yet, so many INTPs and INTJs, and a lot of INFJs and INFPs, all seem to be of the opinion that Sensors would be most likely to be religious, while Intuitives would be most likely to be atheists. This seems to go totally counter to the basic premise of the dichotomy between Sensation and Intuition.