I'm suggesting that it's morally complicated to keep something alive for selfish reasons, natural cure or otherwise. The hole that was dug was huge, but it was done so with love.
Moralistic (primary concern for the right and wrong treatment of animals, with strong opposition to exploitation or cruelty towards animals) and humanistic (primary concern and strong affection for individual animals and equal treatment of humans and animals) are terms used by Stephen Kellert to describe human attitudes toward wildlife.
I'm a wildlife biologist. Animals die every day from things like disembowelment, invenomation, being eaten alive, etc. and it's perfectly natural. Pets live pampered lives. They're also not people.
If it helps understanding, my perspective is generally naturalistic (primary concern for the warm fuzzy feeling I get outside), ecologistic (primary concern for the holistic system), and utilitarian, with a tinge of aesthetic.