What Your Result Means
You are strong-minded, but always consider different viewpoints when problem solving. Ultimately you trust your own judgment above other peoples' views.
Sometimes wary of others, you are a very private person who tends to distant themselves from certain situations.
You enjoy a challenge, but prefer to work independently and favor solitary pursuits.
Prone to losing control of your emotions, you tend to be particularly passionate in situations concerning your social and personal life.
You have an imaginative and creative side, tending to avoid social situations that may cause interpersonal conflicts.
Your unique OCEAN score
High in Openness Your score in Openness is high, which indicates that you enjoy novelty, variety, and change. You are curious, imaginative and creative.
Low in Conscientiousness Your score in Conscientiousness is low, which indicates that you like to live for the moment and do what feels good now. Sometimes you appear disorganized to others but they love your energy.
Low in Extraversion Your score in Extraversion is low, indicating that you are introverted, reserved, and quiet. You enjoy solitude and solitary activities. You enjoy socializing with a few close friends rather than large groups of casual acquaintances.
Low in Agreeableness Your score in Agreeableness is low, indicating that you feel people should be self reliant. People tend to see you as tough and committed.
High in Neuroticism Your score in Neuroticism is high, indicating that you can be agitated by what some people would consider to be routine daily life. People see you as emotionally aware.