You can always be both. I have to have proof for shit, and i cant make a fuckin decision unless i know ALL the facts about something, but i also love music and art. I guess it all depends on which one you use more in your life.
I'm an INTP and majorly left brained.I don't think that's what left brain/right brain means. I think the left brain deals with "stage-based" thinking and the right brain with "holistic thinking". So the left brain is associated with J's and the right brain with P's. That's what Thomson says, at least (though that is one of her more contested points). So an INTP would be right-brained, according to her.
Being right-brained doesn't mean being into music and art per se. Or vice versa.
I'm an INTP and majorly left brained.
Edit; Though a test I just took corrected me. I'm apparently right brained on more items than I am left, but I'm VERY left brained on the lefts.
That, and... whatever helps you write... I forget the term.What were you very left-brained on? I find a lot of the internet tests are confused as well. They tend to associate "logic" with the left brain, for instance, which is not true 100% of the time.
The idea of left brain, right brain has always been mysterious to me.
Whenever someone talks about left brain, they all but describe the judging function of thinking, when they describe right brained people, all I think is intuition. So wouldn't that suggest that all INTPs, ENTPS, INTJS, and ENTJs, are both.
And then, where do we put sensing and feeling types?
The whole theory of right/left brains is just too simple for me. I'm not saying it's completely false, it's just underdeveloped, and too specific.
It needs work, is all.