XY Chromosome
Actaully from what I have been reading, unless I have been reading lies, most INTPs should be near 50/50 left/right brain, since left is the logical part and right is the intuitive part, etc. I have been taking random tests I find on google, and they each have been giving me a 50/50 split, with the exception of one test that told me I had about 60% right brain, but it had about 10 times more questions than the rest. So I will assume the brain functions are determined by personality type, which in turn is genetic in nature.
Also the multitasking thing is a thing I would have to assume works off how each persons brain works, and even some may claim to not be able to mutlitask, I would bet my last donut that they can since most are looking at the most common form of MTing. Example, I can not talk and read at the same time, so no MTing there, but I can talk to about 5 people at the same time, while keeping a coherent conversation amongst each, and not miss a line. Not all people can MT the same way. Like my father, apparently he can not think and talk at the same time, which is funny.
Also gender really would not have much to do with it since I believe even though the sterotypical female is an E and male is an I. You notice the E female mostly because she (I know this is very stereotypical) wants the attention so the male population will automatically focus on her, and not notice the I females, which I have noticed at my school there are an equal amount. While on the other hand, most see the male as more I dominated, while also untrue, it is almost the opposite on how the male population is noticed, the male E is just like the female E yet the female having a different frame of brain work sees the I most commonly, (I am not a female so I can not tell how this is, it puzzles me). So in short, female E is noticed more by males and male I is noticed more by females, usually since the E males gather together and do what ever they do. *note this paragraph is probably 100% incorrect, but is my assumption at this current moment*
Also organizational skills have nothing to do with gender, it is all due to genetics, which I believe as stated above, all genetic traits are dispersed evenly throughout the population, at least statistically it should be, but I dislike statistics for various reasons.
It seems we are trying to prove whether the conclusion of gender being 50/50, it is, as long as the male parent doesn't have something wrong with is reproductive organs.