This vision in excess of ourselves beyond the present, here, now, I, to what is and what was projected to what could be unsatisfied with the superficial looking deeper to what lays beyond is amazing, scary, wondrous, frightening. Does it trap us and freeze us in a perpetual state of fear and doom, giving rise to elevated levels of sadness, bitterness, depression or insanity. Does it free us to be more, enable us, show a path, a destination. Is it a blessing or a curse?
This vision we have beyond what is can be beautiful or frightening. It can trap us or free us. (sorry, I guess that the original sentence made no sense even to me now :P so here it is retyped) (or maybe it does make sense? Or I am just confusing myself. you have to read it 'properly' I guess.)
How do you deal with your vision?
Now I, being I, use this vision and become depressed, bitter, and cynical, but I, being I, later use this vision to cure myself; there is more to this than the I, more to this than the depressing. And so I think and feel that like any gift given to us, the more valuable the treasure, the more dangerous the misuse.
[Now I guess you'll just have to use your iNtuition to see what it is I am talking about here, but I have hopes]
OK I've put in my requisite hours and am back to respond. I rashly said that I knew
exactly what you meant thus falling into The Fury's second category of how INTPs post. Now I'll probably do the first.
The Curse/The Blessing
Having spent about 3 minutes deciding whether to put the Curse or the Blessing first ...
I call it multiple possibility syndrome! I can, almost instantaneously envisage the worst and the best possibilities in any situation. In exquisite detail. I am the worst pessimist and the most psychotic optimist at the same time. I can sink into the nightmare scenario with the same level of depth as I can construct utopia.
It is so hard to describe to other people what that actually feels like. I don't even realise I'm doing it sometimes. An event which remains in my memory is being at a dinner party and expounding my theory on how we as 'citizens' are no more than pets with the same relationship to our governments as a pet rabbit has to its owner (we are either happy pets with good housing, daily activities and food or the converse) and extrapolating into a dystopian future and when I finished my friend saying 'well that's put a dampener on the evening'. The next time I might be excitedly discussing a fantastic idea for an alternative form of public transport which would transform our lives.
I do it in relation to myself frequently - although not as frequently as I did when I was younger. I can paralyse myself with terror by taking an event in the news and projecting it into the future - almost trancelike in its power. (Children of Men did that very well I thought but it haunted me for days, the middle section of Cloud Atlas too).
But I also do it with regards to my own life and that is a bit more destructive. I used to see doom and gloom ahead, focusing on my shortcomings and my many failures and too often they have prevented me from taking chances which might have been beneficial for the real curse is indecisiveness, followed closely by regret for routes not taken when decisions are finally made. I am tormented by the things I wanted to do but haven't done. I despair at the fact that I simply don't have enough time to learn all that I want to learn, to read all that I want to read and the internet has only made that all much worse!! I need at least 5 more lifetimes to achieve my dreams because I also need loads of time just to sit around thinking. Actually another 100 still wouldn't be enough. And it's worse now that I'm older because I can not only project forwards but I can project backwards and the 'what if' function is particularly cruel if focused on the past. I find myself sitting ruminating about what if my father hadn't died, what if my english teacher hadn't lied, what if I'd moved to New York etc etc and if I try to talk to friends about it they simply think I'm mad to entertain such thoughts at all (and actually they are right it's just that I take a perverse delight in it sometimes)
But actually I have made the tendency also work very much to my advantage. Despite my plunging despair, I find that I almost always bounce back when I can begin to focus on the alternative story, the positive possibilities, the extraordinarily brave steps I've take to overcome obstacles, the ideas I haven't yet discovered but must be out there somewhere if I look hard enough. I now embrace uncertainty, see it as the great liberator that prevents me from being trapped by always providing an alternative perspective. It's what makes me admired at work for coming up with 'leftfield' thinking, for being innovative and quick to spot the potential in new ideas.
Overall the multiple possibility syndrome is a blessing despite the anguish it sometime brings. The trick is to remember the possibilities are always there in rich variety, not just dark colours. And as far as possible to cut out people in your life who do not appreciate you and seek out those who do.
So that might not be
exactly what you meant but it's what your post resonated with in me.