I'm not sure if you understand I'm pointing out a flaw in the reasoning of others, this is not an example of reasoning I would use.
How does existence of the examples given not constitute as true and false in a binary proposition? True is a state of existence, false is not. The existence in the state of an event is binary. A simple tautology, yet that's the error in this reaosning: Creating a tautology that's isolated from other elements, such as "50/50 chance I'm right" in realtion to the existence of a god is disengenuine. It's fake statistics (Quite a common phemonena in this generation.) This proposition does not factor in the likelihood of a god existing which would be derived from a foundation of evidence (a sample), which infers the existence/non-existence of a god. (I wonder if we could extend drake's equation with the possibility of civilizations defined as the kardashev scale of 4-5 to infer the possibility of a god.) In terms of being "right", it is easy to extrapolate possiblities of person A or B being correct while forgetting that there is information existing within these possibilities: Possibility A can be a composite truth, to which might be false in and of itself but 3/4 composite variables are true, in which another Possibility (C) could consist of the 3 composite variables in the subject, with one more truth which collectively is a true proposition. The existence/non-existence of proposition A does not infer the existence/non-existence of B in truths that are not atomic.
There are a lot of opinions on the size of the universe: It's expanding, contracting, static, influenced by other universes (Bubble universes), particles would expand rather than the inter-related "space" between them, gravity vs dark energy, the attractive force of dark matter against normal matter, magnetism and so on. If I firmly believe that the universe is expanding via dark energy and present it as a binary proposition that's either true or false, I can say it's a 50/50 chance I'm correct. However, this clearly ignores the multiple possibilities I've mentioned that influence the size of the universe as a result of interacting forces. This is what I mean by non-atomic elements: Instead of phrasing the proposition as a series of statements which can individually be true or false, i've created a composite probability of the statement being true or false. Binary propositions are finite systems that infer that we know all information contained with the system, so their suitability in usage isn't aptly applied to complex truths. State / total states =/= probability.
The first line is a general proposition
The second line states any proposition can be true
The third line states that the "States" exist such that is A Xor N, of which A and N are domains consisting of composite variables (Which are true or false) and that each composite variable in A does not share the same state in N, in other words they are in complete opposition to each other. The third one is obviously wrong as it specifies a Domain (A,...,n) of all possible states, where you've set the predicate to only be A xor N. All elements (opinions) of the set have not been evaluated.
The third line represent the narrow application of binary logic in situations where there are perceptible (and possibly imperceptible) states that do not exist solely as one or the other.
If the statement is true:
-Dark energy is expanding the universe
The statement above doesn't infer that dark energy isn't contracting the universe. This could mean as a net force of the universe, overall dark energy expands the universe. Or it could mean that dark energy only expands the universe and never causes contraction. The universe clearly means the observable universe, so as a whole the universe may be fixed(static), to which dark energy is expanding the area in which matter can exist or be percieved. If the statement is false it can infer a total negation of the statement (Dark energy is contrating the universe) or a contrapositive (Dark energy is not expanding the universe).
If the statement is false:
-Universal contraction
-Static universe
-Limited multi-verse spaces (of which our universe occupies and has limited space to expand into).
-Van der wall forces
-Attractive forces of dark matter and matter
-Stretching/expansion of particles occupying the universe.