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Avatar Typology

Black Rose

An unbreakable bond
Local time
Yesterday 10:25 PM
Apr 4, 2010
with mama
I think we should start a separate typology but instead of reading faces or preferences we read avatars. I guess that's more similar to dream interpretation than type though. But srsly, what does someone's avatar say about them?









Profile Picture​



Proudly A Sheeple Since 2015
Local time
Yesterday 9:25 PM
Jun 27, 2011
Earth Dimension C-137
Re: Avatar Typopology

Definitely IxFJ for you, Anime.

My collection of Avatars:

Edit:lolwat these aren't even saved this large on my computer





Local time
Today 5:25 AM
May 16, 2015
Birmingham, UK
Redbaron, type - FAG.

Black Rose

An unbreakable bond
Local time
Yesterday 10:25 PM
Apr 4, 2010
with mama
Re: Avatar Typopology

Definitely IxFJ for you, Anime.

How Functions Work: Inferior Ne (ISTJ/ISFJ)


The inferior function is the hardest to understand and describe. It embodies the part of us that we are least accepting of. Although we are often unaware of its activities, it would be inaccurate to describe the inferior function as “weak” because all of our core functions are powerful in their own way. The power and force of the inferior function actually comes from the mistaken assumption that it has no power. We underestimate the inferior function at our own peril.

The Role of the Inferior Function

As you develop, it is natural to become more dependent on the dominant function and unwittingly repress the inferior function in order to give the dominant function as much conscious control over life as possible. However, the dominant function cannot handle reality on its own without feeling increasingly overextended as you push it to the upper limits of its strengths while turning a blind eye to its weaknesses. As you press down harder on the inferior function and resist its perspective, it will gradually feel too constricted and its repressed energy will begin to “leak" into your conscious mind in the form of inexplicable urges or compulsions, especially when you feel frustrated or emotionally vulnerable.

When you rely too heavily on the dominant function for extended periods of time, the functions below it cannot work in a healthy way, and the inferior function remains deeply submerged in the unconscious mind as you keep repressing that perspective in favor of the dominant function. As the dominant function becomes stretched beyond its capabilities, you will feel increasingly stressed because there will be many life problems that you cannot handle with such a narrow and limited perspective. When life stress depletes your focus and mental energy to critical levels, the dominant function will “burn out” and cause you to lose control of yourself, and this then allows the primitive impulses of the inferior function to “erupt” from the unconscious and take over your conscious mind, a.k.a. being “in the grip” of your inferior function. The degree of reactivity of the inferior function will be related to the force with which you repress its activities. Because the inferior function’s view of the world is the opposite of what you are used to, you will unconsciously resist that perspective even as it floods your consciousness. This results in a distorted view of reality and the weaknesses or destructive side of that function will manifest. By releasing the pent up energy of the inferior function, you can find some temporary relief from stress; however, the extreme out-of-character or destructive behaviors that arise can often exacerbate the problems that were causing the stress to begin with, which can potentially create a negative pattern of destructive behavior.

According to function theory, the psyche is a self-balancing mechanism. When the inferior function erupts, it is sending you a message informing you that your psyche is out of balance because you are directing most of your mental energy to the dominant function. This means that there is a positive side to the inferior function in terms of telling us where we need to grow and improve in order to rebalance ourselves. Learning to use the inferior function appropriately will recalibrate energy distribution so that your psyche can establish better equilibrium. Therefore, instead of repressing the inferior function, we should gradually learn to be more aware of it and less resistant towards it. Although you cannot use the inferior function as your main approach to life like a dominant function, you can learn to respect it for its strength and power. As you come to understand the value of the inferior function and the advantages it can bring you in daily life, its power to disrupt your conscious mind will gradually fade. You will then gain a new perspective for understanding life, which will lead to more adaptive and effective behaviors.

Inferior Ne

Si-doms can use Ne consciously for tasks that require attention to abstract future possibilities. For instance, when planning for an upcoming trip, one would need to think ahead in terms of what to pack and how to be prepared for potential detours or emergencies. However, since Ne is the opposing force to Si, Si is very prone to overriding and repressing Ne and misunderstanding its fundamental nature. While Si-doms can use Ne in very simplistic ways, they cannot fathom using Ne as a “main approach to life” like a dominant function, and therein lies the main source of psychological conflict.

Si focuses on personally meaningful facts and details; it scans the physical environment looking for familiar sensory details for the purpose of orienting oneself to a new situation. When Si-doms rely too heavily upon Si, they will identify with Si’s activities, using familiar facts and details to construct the foundation of their identity. Because of this, Si will feel continually threatened by the Ne perspective because Ne has the potential to disrupt or shatter one’s ego-image. Ne is focused on realizing future potential through pursuing all manner of interesting possibilities in the external world. But Si tends to misinterpret Ne as being unpredictable, uncontrollable, unfamiliar, or even portending doom. Ultimately, Si forcefully rejects the Ne perspective because it fears that the possibility of future change will destroy one’s cherished way of being in the world and, without that personal foundation of familiarity, one has no way to feel grounded or secure in life. Therefore, unhealthy or immature Si-doms do their utmost to reject Ne in order to protect their ego-image as a “careful, reliable, and thoughtful” person.

However, when Si-doms rely too heavily upon Si and suppress Ne, they will develop an overly subjective and solipsistic view of the world. Instead of using Ne appropriately, Si will use Ne to collect “intuitive” evidence to confirm its own biases, doubts, worries, or suspicions. In other words, Si will develop a maladaptive tendency to misinterpret details in a way that overemphasizes negative/pessimistic future outcomes and then try to reject ideas about the future in an effort to quell any feelings of insecurity. When Si is not functioning in a healthy manner, Si-doms will be extremely change/risk averse and this will lead to a buildup of feelings of incompetence or worthlessness when they: punish themselves harshly for making mistakes, are unable to accept new ideas/experiences that are necessary for self-development, cannot adapt well to life changes or new situations, or feel unable to find creative solutions to difficult problems.

No function can be fully suppressed, so inferior Ne will leak into consciousness in strange ways. Proper Ne desires full freedom to pursue new possibilities and is completely comfortable with seeing external reality as having no boundaries, limits, structure, or personal meaning. Thus, when Si becomes overextended, Si-doms may exhibit somewhat desperate attempts to impose boundaries or limits on the external world as a way to generate personal meaning for themselves and defend against the chaotic and unpredictable nature of Ne. For example, they might: redecorate/personalize their surroundings in great detail, follow strict self-imposed rules/routines/methods/rituals in order to avoid unpleasant surprises, make detailed lists or contingency plans, psychologically prepare themselves by intensively rehearsing/practicing knowledge or skills in painstaking detail, be overconfident in their ability to judge the outcome of a possibility but actually only see negative possibilities, avoid conflict/competition with others in order to maintain the status quo, take on more responsibilities than they can handle in an effort to control details and outcomes, develop an interest/obsession with certain “mystical” ideas as an unconscious attempt to master intuition, and so on.

However, this means that Si has not understood the real source of its own anxiety and so the underlying conflict remains unresolved. Si sees Ne as the “enemy” rather than as an important and helpful part of one’s own psyche. The longer this conflict between Si and Ne goes on, the greater the likelihood of succumbing to “the grip”. Si might try to resist a grip experience by looking for excuses or rationalizations for its own failure to engage well with Ne. Si-doms might: blame themselves for not being good enough; blame others for being impractical, unrealistic, unreliable, irresponsible, or unpredictable; or blame life for being unfair or “conspiring” against them. On one hand, Si-doms crave connection to the new or unknown aspects of reality and unconsciously desire to possess the kind of creative, adaptable, and innovative spirit of the best Ne-doms; on the other hand, they are fearful of this desire and confine themselves within rigid mental boundaries, creating an extremely defensive or combative mindset, all the while ignoring the real problem. The more they try to avoid unknown future possibilities, the more they will feel bound or restricted by them.

Si-doms can be emotionally triggered in a variety of ways, such as: being contradicted by someone who is not in touch with facts/details, hearing people reject factual data, hearing suggestions about “useless” changes for the future, dealing with people who are deemed impractical or incompetent, lack of follow-through from others, feeling unappreciated for their hard work or responsible nature, being criticized for being inflexible, being interrupted, being forced to deviate from plans or routines without warning, being forced to confront completely unknown/new situations, chaotic/noisy/disorganized environments, situations where there are no rules or where the rules frequently change, having to improvise or brainstorm without warning, being overwhelmed by responsibility yet unwilling to delegate or relinquish control over details, or feeling pressured to extravert too much.

When they become stressed and mentally fatigued to the point where Si can no longer maintain its dominance, unhealthy Ne urges will finally erupt from the unconscious, driving Si-doms to surrender to Ne in a negative or destructive manner. The ways in which these psychological urges manifest behaviorally are often unique to the individual and the circumstances. They tend to lose self-discipline and become easily swayed by whatever intuitive possibilities appear to them. They might alternate erratically between sociability and withdrawal, easily lose patience, indulge in anger or cynicism, feel scattered and indecisive, feel paralyzed by inaction or lack of progress. Their natural attentiveness to detail can give way to clumsiness and mishandling of factual data, resulting in more mistakes or errors. This can push them into catastrophizing or imagining only negative possibilities and seeing warning/danger “signs” everywhere around them. They might become incredibly fearful of future outcomes and feel overwhelmed by dread, anxiety, pessimism, or paranoia. As a result, they might react unpredictably with flashes of irrational hopefulness, or feel a desperate urgency to take action in solving problems but end up being hasty or deploying wildly unrealistic/impractical solutions.

In order to properly avoid a grip experience, it is essential that Si-doms learn the real value of the Ne perspective and the advantages it can confer. For Si-doms, successfully emerging from a grip experience usually requires hitting bottom and then taking time alone to reflect on their experiences/behaviors. A change of scenery can be refreshing, and relaxing activities like meditation, deep breathing, or physical activity can also help to settle the mind. Once some stress is relieved, they might benefit from some outside help in terms of having their anxiety taken seriously by others as well as allowing others to help out with some responsibilities. Si-doms can also release anxiety by utilizing productive Ne-related activities that require being positively aware of future possibilities such as strategy games, creative pursuits, or trying out a new but safe experience. Whatever activities are chosen, they should accomplish two goals:

to release and expend Ne energy by allowing intuitions to play out in a way that is enjoyable and worthwhile, rather than continually building defenses against those intuitions
to decrease the dominance of Si, thereby allowing it to relax and regain its patient, methodical, and focused nature
Because access to the inferior function is extremely difficult to achieve due to its opposing nature, the auxiliary function must also be used to relieve psychological pressure whenever possible:

ISTJs can use Te-related activities to improve their ability to engage with the external world through being planful, competent, and results-oriented (in working towards goals).
ISFJs can use Fe-related activities to improve their ability to engage with the external world through taking time to understand the perspectives of others (in improving relationships).
Ongoing type-related development for Si-doms:

broaden your perspective by learning to be more accepting of new ideas or different methods of approaching tasks/problems
clarify your values by getting in touch with your personal goals, dreams, and aspirations, and confront your fears about taking action for your own future
relax your need for control by being more flexible in your relationships and allow others to be themselves and learn from their own mistakes
use Ne consciously to express your ideas about the future and the meaning of life events
use Ne adaptively to change course midstream whenever circumstances require you to do so
use Ne to support Si by anticipating the new memories that can be formed from positive future experiences
avoid becoming obsessed by negative possibilities through focusing on possible positive outcomes as a counterbalance
avoid drawing conclusions or making assumptions without enough factual evidence
instead of using past experience to lock yourself into a box, use the past as a comparison for understanding how to improve yourself for the future
enjoy friends, activities, interests, or hobbies that you haven’t visited for awhile
enjoy new experiences that allow you to explore interesting possibilities in a safe way
do activities that can bring your negative intuitions into consciousness so that you can learn to confront your dread and see it for what it is, such as watching a horror movie
reflect on how your anxiety, worry, or pessimism affects you and the people around you
make efforts to genuinely understand and build up the natural strengths of Ne; observe healthy Ne-doms and learn to appreciate their style
envision, recall, or experience real-life scenarios where Ne is more capable or effective than Si at handling reality, so that you can learn to consciously and comfortably choose the most adaptive behaviors
See the Developing Your Functions post for more tips
related: dominant Si, Ne / auxiliary Te, Fe


sorry for english
Local time
Today 4:25 PM
Apr 26, 2013
<<< best avatar, but what type??

(Geez, I don't even remember my avatars past the last 2 before this one)

@Cheeseumpuffs: your avatars are also worthy.


lust for life
Local time
Yesterday 9:25 PM
Aug 12, 2010
California, USA
Normally your avatar would be just cute fuzzy cats and some anime characters but you have said before that the cats have a special meaning. This meaning is part of a medley of loosely connected interpretations about things you have experienced in reality(Si being transformed into Ne). I think anime in general is also more Ne, as reality is re-arranged into new fantasies like catgirls or spiritual worlds.
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