Whenever I do the Myers-Brigs test I always get INTP. It describes me pretty well except their high intelligence seems to be a big part of it. I'm not that smart, I'm actually pretty dense so idk how I keep getting INTP.
Are all INTPs' very intelligent?
bell curve
With same mean and variance as rest of the population?
the population of all INTP's being intelligent relative to all other INTP's
Having a type means you're motivated to behave in particular ways. For INTP's we are motivated to spend most of our time thinking and speculating. The INTJ's are similar in that they speculate and think. So, as an INTP thinks and speculates, especially if they do it productively (rather than idly) in consequence they'll become more intelligent.
They can also be quite dense. In particular INTP's can develop "Si blind spots". Having analyzed or experienced something they can consider it settled, and not open themselves to new possibilities on the subject, this leaves them somewhat stupid at times - but only in particular topics. For example an INTP friend of mine who is an engineer can't see the leaps and advances we've made in voice recognition. This is because he used it years ago and found how bad it is, so rather than looking at how it is now, he sticks to the idea that it sucks and is a really hard problem (it is a hard problem and one we've made tremendous progress in). Frustrating for me as he's so bull headed in being wrong, but otherwise so intelligent.
I found this journal article entitled "Intelligence in Relation to Jung's Personality Types"
The article's hypotheses in the discussion section states:
* higher intuition, higher intelligence
* higher perceiving, higher intelligence
* higher thinking, higher score in intelligence tests
* Introverts scored higher in the tests
* This study is 11-years old
* I'm not a psychology graduate and might have interpreted the article poorly
* Sample size was in total, 4547 samples
* The article aims to implore to occupational psychologists to look into MBTI traits when it comes to selection, training and promotion purposes.
I'd imagine some of that is Ti as well. Internal judgers have a more natural affinity to act like they have a stick up their ass. Compare that to an Ne dom and its a world of difference.
Good insight.
Yeah, but the Ne in the INTP is open to possibilities too so they are not always hard pressed to be as stuck up as some people think they are.
IMO its the Ne the brings the INTP back to a kind of recompense for their weaknesses.
Sounds more like INTJ. Maybe his P wasn't very strong (the 3rd grader in me is giggling like mad), because I rarely feel like I'm ever settled on something; political views are the closest I get to it.Having analyzed or experienced something they can consider it settled, and not open themselves to new possibilities
I only know about things I care about, others, I have no clue about.
I found this journal article entitled "Intelligence in Relation to Jung's Personality Types"