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Apparently I'm a Heretic?


Local time
Today 2:15 AM
Jul 23, 2010
Deridaburi, to answer your question about "integrity," I think a lot of people have nothing to lose when they accept adherence to Christianity out of fear of even the slimmest chance of eternal punishment (and of corresponding hope for heaven). Normal people are perfectly willing to shape their beliefs according to the perceived costs and benefits. And then there a few of us--and plenty of us here in this forum--who think it is abominable to accept obvious untruths for any reason whatsoever. We are people who value reason and belief in the truth, above anything else. When I imagine someone putting a gun to my head and telling me that I must stick a needle in my brain so that I believe a certain falsehood or else I must die, I could very easily imagine myself choosing death (though we are all much braver in our imaginations than we actually are). When we use the word, "integrity," we mean faithful adherence to that primary value of ours--truth.

For me, the fear of hell and the hope for heaven are fundamental to the theory that explains why both heaven and hell are untrue. They were designed by the Darwinian selection of religions to motivate people into adherence. What better way to maximize the survival advantage of a religion? Heaven and hell don't need to objectively exist in order for such evangelistic tenets to be very widely preached and believed, and it would make hardly the least bit of sense if they did exist, for reasons I would be happy to explain if you care (just let me know).


Te Aho
Local time
Today 9:15 PM
Nov 16, 2010
New Zealand - Greytown
Well I have became really confused. I found I can't stand ignorant Christians, I hate them. When I ask them a question of their belief of their book, they point at the book and say, because it says it in there. A circle argument doesn't work, you can't say green is green because it looks green. Or maybe you can for that, but you get the point (I hope). Heresy is the view that is different than the orthodoxy, which is the majority, so, since I do not believe their beliefs I am a heretic, atleast us heretics band together, atleast they find me, since I am the idiot sticking my head out telling everyone else, "Hey look at me, I don't believe what you are saying, etc etc." My new friend which I think is an IxTP, or maybe an INxP, I know he is IxxP, probably just INTP, any how, we converse during class, while others talk about this or that biblically, we speak of how their logic is stupid, well I talk of logic, and he tells me opinions I think are valid and he is like, "No way I am not saying that out loud," so idiotic me raises my hand, the teacher smiles since he knows I am going to say something that will probably upset about 75% of the class, and I usually do, but I don't care since I don't see harm in bringing up a new idea that seems interesting. The brain functions oddly, and I am wondering, why do some people refuse to think, s;osrjf(anger) why wont they just think, maybe their small little world view, just maybe, it isn't correct. Hell if I had lived my entire life living a lie, because in the past I was mislead, and someone comes to me and shows me how that view was wrong, and can prove their point, I would thank them for opening my eyes, that way I could look past my dellusions and hope to see the real world. But no when I try to help others I am called a heretic, but no one has balls to even give me a rational explination of anything, and they don't have the balls to call me out on something if I am dead wrong. To me I am just trying to be helpful, but to them, they see me as "evil" (anger builds again), and this is all I want to say at this moment...

*btw this really has nothing to do with religion... just happens to be a moment I was thinking of.

Questioning is important for an individuals faith (I'm a Christian by the way). I often get disappointed when I ask questions and I get that sort of response. It shows to me that the individual doesn't understand what he or she has read and/or lacks the ability to explain it to others.

I totally get what you are saying. The question is, why is green, green? What components come together to create the color green? These are the questions I ask when it comes to the bible, once I find the answers I share them with whomever asks. I always tell people to question everything that is in the bible, and to search high and low for the answers. You might be surprised by what you find.

You have every right to be frustrated. Unfortunately, regardless of faith or religion you will run into many people who lack logic. Its a universal phenomena. I wouldn't worry too much about those that call you a heretic.

This is what the bible has to say;

Luke 6:37 - 'Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.'

If you go around judging others, then expect to be judged in return. If you condemned others, then expect to be condemned yourself. If you forgive others for their mistakes, chances are that you will also be forgiven for your own mistakes. What goes around, comes around.

When you break it down, you get a message of common sense. The bible is full of them. Unfortunately many people lack the skills and required logic to interpret them, which is part of the reason why I consider the Bible be the most misinterpreted piece of literature on the planet.

From what you have written you don't come across as a heretic at all, just an individual with allot of questions. :)

And since when was that a bad thing?
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