What I do is usually cook an egg and then eat it instead of answering questions. I will never answer a question ever.
Congratulations then with your first answer.
Really, the wording of this question is such that whatever you say counts for an answer.
I usually (in face to face live conversations) question back. My friends and family as a rule become annoyed and tell me I have no manners or on occasion make a concession telling me it's bad manners to answer a question with a questions... but there's really nothing I can do, I suppose good manners interfere with my line of thinking, because I immediately think what prompts a question, search for a motive, and often discount my own answer as an unnecessary step.
For instance my 'answer' to what I consider a
leading question( I know it's making assumptions). Premise: outside walking; question (Q): Are you cold? My answer(A): Do you want to go home/somewhere to have a drink/etc?
If I
can't deduct reasons for an answer, but still think that people themselves should feel cold before making such an inquiry in the first place.. So, (A): why? are you cold? or why are you asking ?
Mirroring questions back makes everyone especially irate...
if I think it's
small talk question: (A) How did you guess? ...Did something give me away? etc..
If pressed by a sequence of harrowing pointed questions by someone I got just acquainted, from life: Q: was personally intrusive and unwelcome after a battery of slightly less so.. (A): Excuse me, but.. are we acquainted?
That was where our acquaintance ended.
In cases where I don't want to answer, I deflect with a question leading hopefully not to a monosyllable, or continue with something off the wall.
If it is instructive talk I answer directly, therefore (Q): This bagel? (A): Yes.
Answering questions indirectly? My answer n real life: If I tell you that I answer with questions would you disregard what I said and rather d base your conclusions on the format of my answer? will you decide that I answer directly after all?
That was my first thought only with other posters inclusive.