Do you consider yourself more analytic or synthetic? Do you do more of one or the other in your intellectual work? Do INTPs (or people in general) tend to be better at one or the other? What does it mean if someone says I'm good at analysis or synthesis? Are some subjects inherently more analytic or more synthetic, or is the analytic/synthetic divide more properly applied within disciplines, or is it totally artificial to separate them at all?
I am far better at analysis (Ti / Si) as, sadly, i tend to do it instinctively but i do prefer synthetising (Ne / Fe), but i am not as good at it...
- Analysis is when you take things / ideas apart, ie abstraction / categorizations - analysis goes back towards the cause... "The WHY ?"
Negative retroaction feedback loop is basically analytic.
- Synthesis is when you put things together ie concretization - synthesis goes towards finality... "The HOW ?"
Positive reteoaction feedback loop is synthetic.
I'm not sure what you mean.
A) ?
Basically synthesizing a whole bunch of old and conflicting ideas into a new and harmonious whole.
To be able to do that, you would have to analyze your "source material" properly.
So, synthesis requires analysis, but not necessarily vice versa.
The initial thesis is in fact a temporary synthesis made of elements encountered prior. And the final synthesis will in turn become a new thesis and the cycle repeats itself.
Thesis constructs (starts in the Right Brain); analysis deconstructs (moves to the Left Brain); synthesis reconstructs (goes back to the right Brain).
Analysis is the mediator; without analysis, there is no synthesis as the initial thesis will just remain the thesis.
It is my belief that pure intuition (those infamous "Eureka" moments...) is able to perform / transcend both analysis / Time and synthesis / Space instantaneously to obtain a result that can't yet be explained...