i think you havent read a lot of enneagram books if you think there is some sort of authoritative consensuse on what keyword to use to capture the essence of a type, such as sloth or gluttony. or you are using traditionalism like a theologican: the first enneagram author had it right and everyone else is wrong? but why? was he channeling god? similarly you seem to believe that other people on the internet know some shit and you keep quoting them. that's weird to me.
Pehaps the reductionists know best.
that never happend, afaict.
i really dont know how to respond to your weird commands/demands/comments.
or should i say command line parameters.
you are obviously not following my line of thought at all so what would be the point anyways ...
i bring up tritypes because our behavior is a spectrum of strategies consisting out of one preference for every triad and a way of drifting off from those preferences when you integrate (overcome fixation/ego narrative) or disintegrate (try to become unconcious of your ego narrative by avoiding it).
so if an individual wants to learn about how integration or disintegration works for them, they must know the strategies and what they relate to (the realms/arenas) and then they can see for themselves.
the point of the enneagram is not to predict people like a movie show author invents fictive charakters who do certain things, such as that "all nines are sloths/junkies/whatever", its to understand HOW or why one indiviudal, who happens to be a junky, became trapped in that position (and how he interprets his siutation subjectively).
he avoids strategies that would allow him to act differently but confict with his fixation, his need to do only that one thing over and over again.
perhaps his fixation is to avoid authorities, so he can't get help. thinking in this manner is inntelligent use of the enneagram.
thinking that types who avoid the six strategy of depending on authorities (like a 5 would or like a 6 who is currently disintegrated into 3 and pretends to be respectable so they cant admit to needing help) are always junkies would be silly. everyone who tries to use typologies for prediction is fantasizing. this goes for mbti/jung as well.
or perhaps the individual is a 5 dis-integrated into the 7 (lazy opportunism), which means he avoids a core ability of the 5 (indepedend judgement of dependencies = asceticism), an ability that could free him from his gutsy junky life. he may avoid relying on the 5 because its becoming too scary for him (the five looses his grip in concrete reality) but he is happy to find temporary grounding in the impulsive (meaning not far sighted = not head triad) world of 8 or 9.
can you not use imagination to explore the rich territories of these three realms? how moving around in reality activates certain aspects of our being?
its impossible to explain why the life of a typical (broke) junky is necessarily a gutsy life, without making a thousand words, which you have forbidden, so i am speechless. but its also so obvious, i cant imagine what your problem with it is.
all i was trying to point out is that if i force a head type to commit to his perception of boundaries, by coming after him with angry parents, angry drug dealers and the police, he must decide where his boundaries are going to be, using his preference for introversion (1), extroversion (8), or flexibility (9).
but if he is not forced to commit, he wont show a clear preference, because his gut preferences are not his core fixation, which is the head. meaning the headtype avoids revealing or declaring his idea of boundaries, if possible.
meaning fixating in 5 requires us to avoid 8 and exhibiting 8 behavior would require letting go of the 5 fixation first. so this is an example of integration. whats integrated is the full spectrum of the head, because fixation in the head was given up. that means the head is now capable of showing traits of 6 and 7 in addition to 5.