Was just sort of thinking about this today, and I wonder if there is some sort of evolution that happens within a single organism on a cellular basis.
Most people know about the bad transcription errors in cells that lead to cancer, but what about good ones? If a cell within our body had some mutation during transcription that was advantageous, for example, a liver cell that started synthesizing more peroxisomes, so that it was able to live longer and filter more toxins. Because of this, it could undergo mitosis before dying/apoptosis, and it's sister cells would also have a better chance of undergoing mitosis before dying etc etc.
In this case, evolution could happen to a single organism within the span of one lifetime - the biggest hole I can see is that, even if an advantageous mutation happened in one part of the body, that doesn't necessarily mean it will be passed on to the offspring. On the other hand, if an advantageous mutation happened in the gametocytes. The other hole is that for this sort of evolution to propagate to the offspring (like in the latter example) would require it would probably require a lot more chance then classical natural selection requires.
On the other hand, even if the traits from cellular evolution didn't get passed down, an advantageous mutation would increase the fitness of the organism and allow them to propagate their other genes more.
Anyway, just more of me "thinking out loud"...