The problem is, no matter how much we write, only an aspect of the mind will be depicted, and even then there's no guarantee that 100% of what is shown will be accurately understood.
But does it really matter? I've wondered about this for a while. People don't become friends with facts. Developing a relationship with someone to any level relies largely on intuition. Emotions are part of it, but that can be regulated by our intellect to an extent. We get a feel for other people and decide based on that whether we want to be friends. All the other information is for three purposes:
* Not sticking your foot in your mouth (Aren't all these wheelchair ramps annoying? oh right... you're in a wheelchair...)
* Remembering things to let others know they register in your thoughts (Really? We got married a year ago? ... are you sure?)
* Learning about yourself
To that extent this forum is a wonderful place because there's minimal need for the first two, and when you are engaged in the third one, its natural to feel amiable towards those that helped it happen. Whenever Articog writes something I identify with, but hadn't put words to, I learn a bit about myself and thus feel good about him.
Yeah, all that was a bit reductionistic, but I'm sure most of you have had similar thoughts and I'm just voicing them.
For my own confession, I admit to some of the same things Articog did. Highly sexual thoughts leads to a degree of shame that forbids me from allowing a healthy amount exposed to people who might actually want to know how I feel. Because I forbid the practice, I am immature in my expression, which exacerbates the problem.
The end result is that I rely heavily on my mimicry to start any intimacy with others. The problem is that it only works with those who are both able and willing to first express those sentiments towards me. This has made my romantic life a bit of a wasteland. Some bright spots, but many lost opportunities with those I would probably get along with better in the long term.
Backtracking a bit... the shame I feel is not entirely from my Christian upbringing. If that were the case, as I slowly analyzed and purged the sentiments that came from religion it would get better. The stronger origin is in my sympathy. I sympathize with the intrusions of other people's unwanted attention, with being reduced to your appearance in the minds of others, etc. Its like spotting a celebrity and wanting to meet them, but not wanting to be "another fan" ruining their day.
Part of it is pride not allowing me to seem the fool by my own standard, or worse a hypocrite. I'm working on it...