But did the medication work for your symptoms? Improved completion rates, punctuality etc?
I find this really hard to believe. Are there any papers or articles to read or is this based on experience?
Well I am not entirely sure. Life feels a tonne easier. I can really power through shit I don't like and power harder through things that required more thought.
Punctuality comes from within. I just have the ability to stay on one tab on my web browser and not bounce between 5 different retarded thoughts I have every second.
Regarding sugar. I have felt it work. I can see a vague pseudo-science rationale to it. With ritalin it feels like you are tapping into your hormone reserves. Sugar is a sappy bastard that takes a little of it. So you might not have enough when you need it.
Masturbation is evil as fuck. It takes it all away. It leaves nothing for ritalin to work with.
Exercise and sleep however fill that shit up.
If I feel like my pills aren't working anymore. I take a good nap and come back to the task.It feels like new again.
Running has at times also replicated the feelings that ritalin gives me. So I can function through the day if I just had a run and some coffee. Given that I abstained from masturbation, alcohol, and sugar.
But as an ADHDer I'd say routine is quite important too. I really can't decide what I want to do when I am free, so if I schedule my activities I feel less lost.