Man-Child becoming a Dude.... Man
So I'm interested in studying this, and I'm basically looking for any info.
Here's my current situation, I graduated last spring with a BS in Math minor in Computer Science. After wallowing on the job market for a while I got a job as a math tutor and decided to become a high school math teacher. For various reasons my current teacher education program isn't working out as I thought it would.
So now I'm looking into something else I can get a job with. I have interest in music, software instruments and such which has brought me into digital signal processing which brings me to Electrical Engineering. So I'm thinking if I really want to get into this or a related field Electrical Engineering is the way to go.
A couple of questions/concerns... is getting a job with an electrical engineering degree pretty straightforward? I'm pretty down with the lack of opportunities with my Math degree.... I'm looking for something with a more direct career path.
My theoretical physics skills are only okay, problem solving skills and abstract math skills are considerably better. What kind of skills are beneficial in the field of Engineering? I like solving problems using Computer Science, but I don't like the nitty gritty details of learning a language in Computer Science.
Is a strong math background a benefit in Electrical Engineering or is it merely expected?
I would have probably considered Engineering as a major before but the university I went to didn't have it as a major. I'm not to aware of what is involved with Engineering. What makes it different from physics, in what capacity does an Engineer use math.
Here's my current situation, I graduated last spring with a BS in Math minor in Computer Science. After wallowing on the job market for a while I got a job as a math tutor and decided to become a high school math teacher. For various reasons my current teacher education program isn't working out as I thought it would.
So now I'm looking into something else I can get a job with. I have interest in music, software instruments and such which has brought me into digital signal processing which brings me to Electrical Engineering. So I'm thinking if I really want to get into this or a related field Electrical Engineering is the way to go.
A couple of questions/concerns... is getting a job with an electrical engineering degree pretty straightforward? I'm pretty down with the lack of opportunities with my Math degree.... I'm looking for something with a more direct career path.
My theoretical physics skills are only okay, problem solving skills and abstract math skills are considerably better. What kind of skills are beneficial in the field of Engineering? I like solving problems using Computer Science, but I don't like the nitty gritty details of learning a language in Computer Science.
Is a strong math background a benefit in Electrical Engineering or is it merely expected?
I would have probably considered Engineering as a major before but the university I went to didn't have it as a major. I'm not to aware of what is involved with Engineering. What makes it different from physics, in what capacity does an Engineer use math.