Re the cognitive functions--
I assume you all read the full explanation
So if we're all on the same page, what did you guys think of the evidence? I mean, what parts specifically did you find unconvincing?
I don't think this is a good alternative. By doing this you make all the letters equal in function, which they aren't. How can a person prefer their way of processing information over the way they get energized? It's like comparing apples and pears.
A valid point, but the replacement system described isn't aimed so much at describing how a person prefers to use their letters (the type dynamics view) as to what extent a person uses them. For example, dominant doesn't mean "most used" so much as "most intense." This is the problem with using established terms to describe new concepts, I suppose...they come with a load of baggage under their arm.
Just curious. If the information on your website isn't based on cognitive functions, then on what? The same stuff as the quote below?
Type researchers tend to use only the basic typing system, i.e. the simple four letters; pretty much nobody uses type dynamics in actual studies, except as a post hoc justification for what they may be seeing. As for the new system proposed, nobody is using it yet because it was only proposed this year and no doubt remains controversial. So pretty much all of the research you will encounter about the MBTI is based off the plain vanilla version alone, which of course includes the stuff in my guide.
The overall impression I got from reading (parts of) your website is that it's imbued with personal ideas, and there's nothing wrong with that, but you pose them as facts. Also the tone of your writing can be quite snarky and arrogant.
Sigh, I believe you. I've come back to my writing after a few months and been appalled at how pompous and condescending I come off as sounding. Unfortunately I'm blind to this unless I go away and then come back to it with fresh eyes. If someone would make a list of the parts that need work, I'll review it and see if I can improve the wording.
The fact vs. personal theory thing is a bit of a bugger, though; see, it turns out that most of the books you will find on type behavior constitute the author's personal opinion based on their experiences in the field, what they've read about, and stories they've heard from other people. They too state it as fact, but it is actually an amalgamation based on various sources. Realistically, you can't really start every paragraph off with "In my opinion" or whatever--after awhile, it'll just sound like a disclaimer you chant to avoid liability or whatever. ;p I'm not really sure what to do about this.
Finally, I'd recommend a section on INTP pitfalls.
Sounds good; I'll add that to my to-do list.
Next to finally (sorry), I read up on Albert Speer who you prominently feature.
I would see him as an introvert because he was described by various people as "quiet," "reticent," "untalkative," and "reserved." In addition, he described himself as coming home from work and being exhausted and
silent--a situation common for Introverts because their batteries have been burnt out by interacting with coworkers. Then too, he mentioned how he could not have worked continually in the command center where some 20 people (a guesstimate) were always congregated, discussing strategies with Hitler or chatting--the constant background of noise was not something Speer could have put up with. Finally, he hated making speeches and avoided them when he could. So that to me all says that he is probably an introvert, despite the high profile lifestyle he lived.
I thought I was an INFJ for the first 6 months, today I would say ENFJ would be more likely, and I've read Keirsey, typology, and tons of books and have still been unable to type myself correctly.
Interestingly, the NJs are the letter combination most likely to be misidentified by the MBTI test, which makes me wonder if the INFJs aren't
artificially scarce rather than naturally scarce. So I don't know if you've taken the MBTI or not, but that's something to bear in mind.
I do believe there are a few valid studies dealing with neurology and type that could be referenced...
If you can find those, I'd be interested in reading them.