all of that talking about helping out. you sound like an adaptive type (preferring extroverted perception & subjective judgement).
if you would have said "i dream of guiding people trough their spiritual challenges" you would sound more directive (preferring introverted perception & extroverted judgement).
if you wanted to guide people through anything (even if it's just diet or joga) you have to communicate judgements confidently. if you say "heads up, you will do this" the other people must involuntarily feel inclined to believe that you know, what you are talking about. 'oh, if you say so, i will make it.' but adaptive types are like 'consider this or that possibility, you might make it, but avoid this and that and 100 other pitfalls'.
i believe the planning/spontaneous dichotomy does not apply to every day actions in J/P intuitives, even less to NFs. Se types are spontaneous about every day situations, Si types feel a need to plan, about the details of everyday life, to guarantee quality.
but directive types are generally more goal oriented in life, as much as they may be busy refining their goals, which may feel like they are not certain, they won't forget about the problem or challenge of goal orientation.
their goals don't involve joining a club and being inspired by the needs of the club, to deliver contributions, like the goals of adaptives. directives have their own goals and perhaps they will let other people in on their progamm.
adaptive types have subjective goals, they want to redefine who they are and dream of becoming universally capable, like a pocket knife, which is of course impossible to achieve, but understanding typologie is for me (adaptive type) one of those pocket knifes that may help me in every context. adaptive types want to work and function inside of a shared-values or shared-project context. for the most part they would focus on proposing minor changes about the method - if they don't like the overall goal of the context, they will want to leave it.
directive types would not only like to see changes in public values or projects, they are willing to propose such changes any time, even against a certain amount of resistance. they are the ones who define the goal of any social or work related context in the first place. they communicate it to everyone.
if my theory is correct, it's not hard for us to know if we are directive or adaptive, i think. you just have to understand that sensor goals and intuitive goals look a little bit different.
"as I analyze policies and situations and come up with solutions and ways to solve the problems"
policies? are you a religious ISFJ?
using tertiary Ti to analyse the detail of managing practical details?
"spiritually questioning my existence"
such questioning is usually directed at subjective positions (at introverted functions) and provoked by objective observations (extroverted functions)
what aspect of your autonomy is most questionable?
your free will? Fi questioned by Ne and Te. you can only want good things, you don't get to say what amounts to being good (it's unconsciously obvious to you) and available though. so circumstances define your cravings and interests, which make up your identity. (infp crisis)
your plans? Ti questioned by Ne and Fe. you can only believe in plausible strategies, but possibilities and values leave deliver only one possibility that remains as the most plausible, so circumstances define your mind, which makes up your identity. (intp crisis)
the meaning and value of your dream? Ni questioned by Se and Je. the questioning of meaning of a path might involve thoughts or feelings like; "but my life is meaningless without you, lover, father, jesus, god, mein führer, my people, i shall kill myself if you won't recognize me as your lover or your leader or if they don't recognize me as your prophet" (infj crisis)
The substance and value of your routines and lifestyle? Si questioned by Je and Ne. similarly to Ni, Si is questioned by how it may serve to contribute the agendas of Je and the possibilities of Ne. but Si routine and style are not so much like a Ni dream, which weaves in a greater context to create meaning, but is attempting to weave in opportunities and common interests to construct a greater process of functionality.