I've been revisiting a series of lectures by Daniel Sheehan that I watched 8-10 years ago, and decided to make a summary of the information he provides regarding the 7 modes of ethical reasoning. This model was originally developed and taught by Dr. Talcott Parsons at Harvard (originally 5 modes), further developed by Dr. Ralph Potter at Harvard, who mentored under Parsons, and further developed into the present form by Daniel Sheehan who studied under Parsons for his doctorate work at Harvard. He is the one presenting it in these lectures for the Romero Institute.
This summary is taken from the information provided by Sheehan primarily in these two lectures:
I recommend watching both lecture series to get the full context, but the model correlates with the idea presented by Dr. Crane Brinton in his final lecture on Dec 20, 1967 that the most important single intellectual insight of his 50 years at Harvard is that the greatest minds of the human family have come to the common conclusion that humanity is on the brink of the next step of biological evolution, which is the development of a human faculty to directly perceive and experience the unitive phenomenon that binds the universe in a unified harmonic whole. Essentially, where one falls on this model of ethical reasoning depends on how developed their faculty is for perceiving this phenomenon.
Ralph Potter's development concluded that ones worldview could be determined by how they instinctively answer the 4 fundamental questions of ultimate reality. Those 4 questions are:
- Cosmological: how did all we experience come into existence?
- Teleological: how is this manifest reality actually unfolding?
- Ontological: how did consciousness come into being?
- Epistemological: what are the means by which humans can answer the cosmic questions and acquire knowledge?
A cohesive and consistent answer to these questions, as Sheehan presents it will put you somewhere on the continuum of the 7 following worldviews:
1st paradigm - Authoritarian
summary: Views the universe as chaotic; ethical reasoning is based on power assertion and control
Answers to the questions of ultimate reality: random and chaotic big bang, every unit of matter repels every other, moving away from each other, and will eventually disintegrate into nothing; consciousness is just an epiphenomenon between mass and energy, is random, and we can only perceive with the 5 senses; truth cannot be known, only created
Mode of ethical reasoning: the world is chaos and the only order is the assertion of their will; expand power, control, and dominion; there is no context for the value of life
notes: Warlords, Ghengis Khan, brute force, no thic, no reference for right and wrong, materialist, insatiable immediate self-gratification
Philosophical correlates: Epicurius / Callicius, might makes right, Nihilism
Spiritual expression correlates: Atheism, Materialism, (intellectual authoritarian)
2nd paradigm - Reactionary
summary: Sees the cosmos as cyclical; ethical decisions arise from binary distinctions of good and evil
Answers to the questions of ultimate reality: the cosmos has always been there, ordered, eternally oscillating, cyclical, binary, and deterministic; universe expands to a point of stasis, then retracts back to the original state of big bang, then starts over; we physically manifest and become conscious mechanically as the universe expands; due to this oscillation, hardwired, binary perception of reality, can sense the expansion and contraction
Mode of ethical reasoning: binary, choose a side between good and evil, competition between A and B, deep conviction that there is an ultimate “other” threatening them
notes: tribal, good vs bad, dark vs light, yin vs yang, life vs death, etc.; fascists, state corporate capitalists, state communists, nationalism, fundamentalism; gain meaning from choosing a side
Philosophical correlates: Hegel Dialectics
Spiritual expression correlates: Fundamentalism, Taoism, dialectic dualism
3rd paradigm - Conservative
summary: Believes in an ordered oscillating cosmos and projects future ethical decisions based on past patterns
Answers to the questions of ultimate reality: cosmos has always been there, ordered, eternally oscillating, expanding and contracting; we can influence the mechanical properties of the oscillating universe by making existential decisions with our intellect and we can alter the course of human destiny by exerting our will; we can determine with the mind historical patterns of how the world works and project alternate futures and choose one
Mode of ethical reasoning: choose a projected future and behave as if it is true through an act of will; use patterns of the past to project into the future and make choices that maintain it, prevent change, and feel secure in their interests; right and wrong is determined by choosing a path
notes: form nation-state in its basic form
Philosophical correlates: Existentialism
Spiritual expression correlates: Existentialism, historical projection, quest for meaning
4th paradigm - Moderate
summary: Agnostic about ultimate realities; relies on empirical evidence for utilitarian policies
Answers to the questions of ultimate reality: agnostic towards cosmology, teleology, and ontology; epistemology: only the 5 senses, gather data, should not project with the mind or choose a path; mind is for theorizing only, and only information derived from physical data can progress knowledge
Mode of ethical reasoning: will not take a position on ultimate reality that they do not have definitive answers to; utilitarian, pragmatically choose policies that generate the greatest good for the greatest number of people (virtually mathematical)
notes: agnostic to cosmological questions, scientific community, materialists, no ultimate conclusion, expanding knowledge, willing to change and amend thesis, post-modernism(ish); will not acknowledge the veracity of anything that is not physically repeatable
Philosophical correlates: Majoritarian, Utilitarian, Scientific Logical Positivism
Spiritual expression correlates: Agnosticism
5th paradigm - Liberal
summary: Recognizes multiple faculties for understanding harmony, combining data and intuition in ethical reasoning
Answers to the questions of ultimate reality: conscious admission that there may be another faculty of the human mind to discern the one-ness or harmony of the universe, unitive phenomenon; supplement data with intuition
Mode of ethical reasoning: supplement with intuition to choose policies that generate the greatest good for the greatest number of people, but at the same time at least provides subsistence for the least well off; distribution of resources that the least have access to, up to a point that doesn’t affect production and control of the world.
Philosophical correlates: Plato / Socrates
Spiritual expression correlates: Unitarianism, Humanism
6th paradigm - Progressive
summary: Views the universe as interconnected; Intuition guides policies for the greatest good, emphasizing distributive justice
Answers to the questions of ultimate reality: universe was always here; universe is bonded together into one radical whole; full recognition and adoption of the faculty of the human mind to discern one-ness or harmony of the universe; intuition is primary; discerning “natural law” is the referent for right and wrong
Mode of ethical reasoning: primarily use intuition to choose policies that generate the greatest good for the greatest number of people, but at the same time provides subsistence for the least well off; full adoption of distribution of resources that the least have access to; distributive justice: recognition of human need of basic resources over contribution, a matter of justice, not charity
notes: strive for harmony with “natural law” to achieve happiness. U. S. Constitution
Philosophical correlates: Pathagoras
Spiritual expression correlates: Pantheism, radical Monism, “Natural Law”
7th paradigm - Utopian
summary: Sees the universe as conscious, aiming for transcendence; ethical reasoning prioritizes the collective well-being
Answers to the questions of ultimate reality: universe unfolded out of an eternal sea of undifferentiated consciousness; particles of the universe are bits of consciousness; consciousness permeates the entire physical world; escaton, evolving over time to transcend from the material world into a state of unconditioned being and bliss as the world expands; experience of “being” when properly freed from its material encasement, will be unified with the eternal consciousness and no longer a separate “self”; complete control of faculty to discern one-ness or harmony of the universe; observe oneness, calm, and being through meditation
Mode of ethical reasoning: using the faculty of unitive phenomenon to selflessly choose and enact policies predicated on the well-being of the whole world and everyone in it; transcend the bounds of “self”
Philosophical correlates: Stoic - Pre-Socratic
Spiritual expression correlates: Panentheism, Emminationism
Sheehan also noted that the 7 worldviews correlate with the 7 Chakras that have been observed and practiced for millenia in the eastern part of the world. These Chakra are locations in the body that have been observed to have electromatic signatures that may influence how we interperet our experience of reality.
I'm curious your thoughts and experiences on all this. Do you think this model is corroborated in your personal interpretation of reality? Where would you fall on this continuum and why? How do you feel about this being taught at Harvard?
This summary is taken from the information provided by Sheehan primarily in these two lectures:
Daniel Sheehan: Political Philosophy and Worldviews - Nov 24, 2014
Modes of Ethical Reasoning - Trajectory of Justice: 4-16-2015
I recommend watching both lecture series to get the full context, but the model correlates with the idea presented by Dr. Crane Brinton in his final lecture on Dec 20, 1967 that the most important single intellectual insight of his 50 years at Harvard is that the greatest minds of the human family have come to the common conclusion that humanity is on the brink of the next step of biological evolution, which is the development of a human faculty to directly perceive and experience the unitive phenomenon that binds the universe in a unified harmonic whole. Essentially, where one falls on this model of ethical reasoning depends on how developed their faculty is for perceiving this phenomenon.
Ralph Potter's development concluded that ones worldview could be determined by how they instinctively answer the 4 fundamental questions of ultimate reality. Those 4 questions are:
- Cosmological: how did all we experience come into existence?
- Teleological: how is this manifest reality actually unfolding?
- Ontological: how did consciousness come into being?
- Epistemological: what are the means by which humans can answer the cosmic questions and acquire knowledge?
A cohesive and consistent answer to these questions, as Sheehan presents it will put you somewhere on the continuum of the 7 following worldviews:
1st paradigm - Authoritarian
summary: Views the universe as chaotic; ethical reasoning is based on power assertion and control
Answers to the questions of ultimate reality: random and chaotic big bang, every unit of matter repels every other, moving away from each other, and will eventually disintegrate into nothing; consciousness is just an epiphenomenon between mass and energy, is random, and we can only perceive with the 5 senses; truth cannot be known, only created
Mode of ethical reasoning: the world is chaos and the only order is the assertion of their will; expand power, control, and dominion; there is no context for the value of life
notes: Warlords, Ghengis Khan, brute force, no thic, no reference for right and wrong, materialist, insatiable immediate self-gratification
Philosophical correlates: Epicurius / Callicius, might makes right, Nihilism
Spiritual expression correlates: Atheism, Materialism, (intellectual authoritarian)
2nd paradigm - Reactionary
summary: Sees the cosmos as cyclical; ethical decisions arise from binary distinctions of good and evil
Answers to the questions of ultimate reality: the cosmos has always been there, ordered, eternally oscillating, cyclical, binary, and deterministic; universe expands to a point of stasis, then retracts back to the original state of big bang, then starts over; we physically manifest and become conscious mechanically as the universe expands; due to this oscillation, hardwired, binary perception of reality, can sense the expansion and contraction
Mode of ethical reasoning: binary, choose a side between good and evil, competition between A and B, deep conviction that there is an ultimate “other” threatening them
notes: tribal, good vs bad, dark vs light, yin vs yang, life vs death, etc.; fascists, state corporate capitalists, state communists, nationalism, fundamentalism; gain meaning from choosing a side
Philosophical correlates: Hegel Dialectics
Spiritual expression correlates: Fundamentalism, Taoism, dialectic dualism
3rd paradigm - Conservative
summary: Believes in an ordered oscillating cosmos and projects future ethical decisions based on past patterns
Answers to the questions of ultimate reality: cosmos has always been there, ordered, eternally oscillating, expanding and contracting; we can influence the mechanical properties of the oscillating universe by making existential decisions with our intellect and we can alter the course of human destiny by exerting our will; we can determine with the mind historical patterns of how the world works and project alternate futures and choose one
Mode of ethical reasoning: choose a projected future and behave as if it is true through an act of will; use patterns of the past to project into the future and make choices that maintain it, prevent change, and feel secure in their interests; right and wrong is determined by choosing a path
notes: form nation-state in its basic form
Philosophical correlates: Existentialism
Spiritual expression correlates: Existentialism, historical projection, quest for meaning
4th paradigm - Moderate
summary: Agnostic about ultimate realities; relies on empirical evidence for utilitarian policies
Answers to the questions of ultimate reality: agnostic towards cosmology, teleology, and ontology; epistemology: only the 5 senses, gather data, should not project with the mind or choose a path; mind is for theorizing only, and only information derived from physical data can progress knowledge
Mode of ethical reasoning: will not take a position on ultimate reality that they do not have definitive answers to; utilitarian, pragmatically choose policies that generate the greatest good for the greatest number of people (virtually mathematical)
notes: agnostic to cosmological questions, scientific community, materialists, no ultimate conclusion, expanding knowledge, willing to change and amend thesis, post-modernism(ish); will not acknowledge the veracity of anything that is not physically repeatable
Philosophical correlates: Majoritarian, Utilitarian, Scientific Logical Positivism
Spiritual expression correlates: Agnosticism
5th paradigm - Liberal
summary: Recognizes multiple faculties for understanding harmony, combining data and intuition in ethical reasoning
Answers to the questions of ultimate reality: conscious admission that there may be another faculty of the human mind to discern the one-ness or harmony of the universe, unitive phenomenon; supplement data with intuition
Mode of ethical reasoning: supplement with intuition to choose policies that generate the greatest good for the greatest number of people, but at the same time at least provides subsistence for the least well off; distribution of resources that the least have access to, up to a point that doesn’t affect production and control of the world.
Philosophical correlates: Plato / Socrates
Spiritual expression correlates: Unitarianism, Humanism
6th paradigm - Progressive
summary: Views the universe as interconnected; Intuition guides policies for the greatest good, emphasizing distributive justice
Answers to the questions of ultimate reality: universe was always here; universe is bonded together into one radical whole; full recognition and adoption of the faculty of the human mind to discern one-ness or harmony of the universe; intuition is primary; discerning “natural law” is the referent for right and wrong
Mode of ethical reasoning: primarily use intuition to choose policies that generate the greatest good for the greatest number of people, but at the same time provides subsistence for the least well off; full adoption of distribution of resources that the least have access to; distributive justice: recognition of human need of basic resources over contribution, a matter of justice, not charity
notes: strive for harmony with “natural law” to achieve happiness. U. S. Constitution
Philosophical correlates: Pathagoras
Spiritual expression correlates: Pantheism, radical Monism, “Natural Law”
7th paradigm - Utopian
summary: Sees the universe as conscious, aiming for transcendence; ethical reasoning prioritizes the collective well-being
Answers to the questions of ultimate reality: universe unfolded out of an eternal sea of undifferentiated consciousness; particles of the universe are bits of consciousness; consciousness permeates the entire physical world; escaton, evolving over time to transcend from the material world into a state of unconditioned being and bliss as the world expands; experience of “being” when properly freed from its material encasement, will be unified with the eternal consciousness and no longer a separate “self”; complete control of faculty to discern one-ness or harmony of the universe; observe oneness, calm, and being through meditation
Mode of ethical reasoning: using the faculty of unitive phenomenon to selflessly choose and enact policies predicated on the well-being of the whole world and everyone in it; transcend the bounds of “self”
Philosophical correlates: Stoic - Pre-Socratic
Spiritual expression correlates: Panentheism, Emminationism
Sheehan also noted that the 7 worldviews correlate with the 7 Chakras that have been observed and practiced for millenia in the eastern part of the world. These Chakra are locations in the body that have been observed to have electromatic signatures that may influence how we interperet our experience of reality.
I'm curious your thoughts and experiences on all this. Do you think this model is corroborated in your personal interpretation of reality? Where would you fall on this continuum and why? How do you feel about this being taught at Harvard?