For most people it's a status thing, they just can't bear to look worse off than anyone else. It isn't money that makes the world go round but insecurity.
Thats why people need to start teaching kids the value of "absolute" joy, instead of "relative" joy.
You get GI Joe figure for birthday, and you should be happy to have an extra plaything, but instead you are made to feel envious about the neighbour who got the full set with tanks and stuff.
I too was like that, because of my upbringing, but after spending time alone and getting my arse burnt in internships and finance jobs, i kinda see things differently now
Envy and greed and comparison is good for the economy, it is good for your family. But i doubt it is good for you
I make 90k plus. The most stressful jobs I have ever worked were minimum wage.
Plus home life and my marriage are less stressful now because there is little to worry about in finances.
In capitalism, working harder doesn't get you a higher income. You get more pay by being the only one or few who has the knowledge, talents, or experience in demand by the market or industry.
Of course i do not mean menial jobs, especially as an INTP anything menial or laborious would be 100x worser than any full time job
Also, you discount the fact that to gain the knowledge and expertise you have to put in 1000s of hours of effort learning the job, being an intern, being a junior employee and so on, before you reach the peak.
You seem to only look at the marginal cost after all the sunk costs have been spent, before getting that 50$ per hour, you have to sink in 1000s of 10-20$ per hour in form of education and being the junior/assistant
And yeah, i was using a bit of a hyperbole when i was comparing the two cases, still..
I agree with you to an extent. But I'd prefer to have lots of extra money that I can invest; so I have money to fall back on should something very unexpected happen and at the same time allows me to make money with money.
Yeah, thats why i plan on not taking any responsibilities- family, no sunk costs either.
well, sure. But then again if your job is something you are interested in or fully engaged in doing, it's very meaningful despite being a job. In that case, I don't mind working hard because it's the journey, as well as the end payoff that I'm after. But maybe that's why I've always been interested in engineering and science. I could spend all my time in a lab building something or researching and enjoy it, despite it being "work".
I dont think i can like anything sufficiently enough to say it DESERVES 5000 hours of my time on it
INTJ scum here. I like working. I like making money.
People romanticizing poverty make me lul. Have fun with making $30k per year pursuing your part-time freelance developer dreams until you get sick and get hit with a $5k hospital bill (which actually happened to me recently - only stayed a few hours and did some pretty simple tests).
Fortunately I'm gainfully employed and have health insurance. I don't think the Peter Pan scenario of working 4 hours a day and fucking around for the rest took that variable into account...
I think the only people who really say these sorts of things have never actually had to provide for themselves or been poor.
I dont romaticisize poverty, i just think what is and isnt essential in my life.
I dont make an effort to get the things which i dont find essential in my life.
I personally like living a low cost lifestyle- gives freedom. And i dont plan on having a family either ever.
My monthly expenses run upto 400$, albeit i live in India
I think it is mostly from my gaming addiction days, when i used to spend all my internship money on gaming; and had barely 100$ per month for food because i spent a ton of money on gaming cafes, and didnt want to ask my parents for money. So, i sorta subsisted on really bland, roadside food, while being able to afford good food, but instead spending all the time after work on gaming (with 4-5 hours sleep).
Now i really dont buy anything these days.
I just dont spend money which isnt directly relevant to the thing i want
And also, medical is pretty cheap here, so maybe i dont see it as big of an issue.
There are tons of non-profit/ subsidised hospitals in major cities with excellent service, so theres that.
What do you mean getting sick? i dont see anything short of cancer or heart failure which could seriously destroy one's finances imo.
All im saying is if you feel you are earning what you want, there is LITERALLY no reason to compare with MBTIs.
And given how INTPs usually have less outside needs and status needs, it is kinda obvious we dont earn much, because to us the extra effort for the extra money isnt worth it.
I am by no means saying that earning a lot of money is stupid or anything salty in that way. It is just each person needs to take a personal decision on what he or she REALLY wants. And how much money they need to fulfill those wants.
After all, it is about finding the right effort to reward relationship
As INTPs most likely do this better, and also they tend to have fewer material requirements, this is what leads to lower incomes for INTPs. And also because we arent like some MBTI types who have to look and compare with the neighbour to feel happy, we tend to be happy with less, and as such spend lesser time earning that amount imo. The low income levels could just be a reflection of a better understanding of what drives us and being able to take an unbiased view on one's life
Thats all im saying.
People dont seem to realise that you probably have only one life